DPH both buy and sell old plates, figurines, vases, and other collectibles.
If you have a large batch of goods, or it is urgent to sell, you are welcome to send us a short email to [email protected], where you list what you are considering selling, or give us a quick call on tel. +45 66 18 95 95, we will be happy to inform you about the status.
We expect to be ready for acquisitions again in the autumn.
We hope for your understanding.
You can sell the following items to DPH Trading:
In general we only buy rare figurines and christmas plates from Royal Copenhagen and Bing & Grondahl at the moment.
In some cases we also buy discontinued Georg Jensen mobiles if you have a complete series.
We would be pleased to hear from you
We will appreciate your inquiry, however please be aware of the fact that if you come from abroad, the distance between you and us (Denmark) might cause too high cost of transportation, VAT, duty, bank charges etc. compared to the value of your items. In such cases we will let you know that this is the case.
You are welcome to send an email to [email protected] or send your inquiry by adding your items to the basked and send it through our website.
Please note, only factory first articles with no flaws and defects have our interest, unless otherwise stated
Please also see the menu "How to sell to DPH" to find further info on selling to DPH.
Don't miss free tips and a lot of great sales
DPH Trading
Løkkegravene 49
5270 Odense N, Denmark
CVR-no.: DK61086013
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