Danish Porcelain House - New, retro, antique and vintage

Vase/Pitcher by Bjørn Wiinblad in Black/White with Ladies and Peacocks, No. 3165-472.

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USD 125.52
  • Type: Ceramics/Stoneware/Faience
  • Measurement: H: 27 cm x Ø: 10 cm
About the product
Bjørn Wiinblad Nymølle Vase/Pitcher A special vase in white and black porcelain, decorated by BJØRN WIINBLAD for NYMØLLE DENMARK, with the number 3165-472 and BJØRN WIINBLAD's signature at the bottom. The vase is in perfect condition without any chips or cracks, featuring typical motifs of joyful ladies and peacocks.
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