Blue Flower braided, flat plate Ø21cm no. 10/8095 or 621
- Brand: Royal Copenhagen
- Artist: Arnold Krog
- Item no: 1107621
- Alt number: 10-8095
- Color: Blue and White
- Type: Porcelain (Underglaze)
- Measurement: Ø: 21 cm
About the product
Blue Flower, braided 21cm flat plate.
Produced at Royal Copenhagen since 1779. Copied from the German factory Meissen, but also originating from China. Gradually, as new service-sets were created, the decoration was made on the curved, the braided and the angular service.
Produced at Royal Copenhagen since 1779. Copied from the German factory Meissen, but also originating from China. Gradually, as new service-sets were created, the decoration was made on the curved, the braided and the angular service.
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