Danish Porcelain House - New, retro, antique and vintage

Horse with Foal 1972, Bing & Grondahl Mother's Day plate

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Before: USD 6.24 Now USD 4.93
  • Year: 1972
  • Color: Blue and White
  • Type: Porcelain (Underglaze)
  • Measurement: Ø: 15 cm
About the product
1972 Bing & Grondahl Mother's Day plate with the title Horse with Foal was designed by Henry Thelander. The motif of the 1972 Bing & Grondahl Mothers Day plate shows a horse with foal in a lovely scene in the field. A mare gives birth to one foal. Twins are very rare and if it happens one of the twins will as usual be weak. Foals like to play with each other and it is useful for them to grown up together with other young horses as well as older horses who can take care of the upbringing. The Bing & Grondahl Mothers Day plates were started in 1969 and are still being continued with a new Mother's Day plate every year.
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