Danish Porcelain House - New, retro, antique and vintage

Lighting the Street Lamps 1996, Royal Copenhagen Christmas plate

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Before: USD 61.93 Now USD 45.73
  • Year: 1996
  • Color: Blue and White
  • Type: Porcelain (Underglaze)
  • Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
About the product
1996 Royal Copenhagen Christmas plate, designed by Svend Vestergaard, has the title Lighting the Street Lamp.s Royal Copenhagen's Christmas plate from 1996 is titled Lighting the street lamps. The motif of the plate eas found in the little town Fåborg on the island of Funen. People are on their way home from Christmas shopping in the dusk, and the night watchman is lightin the gaslights in the streets. Two children have stopped, and fascinated they follow how the little eveningstars in the street are lit. In the background we see the belltower of Fåborg's original church, which was built aroun 1250. In app. 1500 the belltower was built, and after the reformation the church was demolished, whereas the belltower remained, because it was used as a landmark for sailors. Today the belltower is the landmark of Fåborg.
This plate can be delivered in original box

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