Danish Porcelain House - New, retro, antique and vintage

The Royal Oak near Jaegerspris (approx. 1400 years old) 1967, Royal Copenhagen Christmas plate

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Before: USD 22.24 Now USD 8.78
  • Year: 1967
  • Color: Blue and White
  • Type: Porcelain (Underglaze)
  • Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
About the product
1967 Royal Copenhagen Christmas plate, designed by Kaj Lange, has the title The Royal Oak near Jægerspris (approx. 1400 years old). Royal Copenhagen's Christmas plate from 1967 depicts the oldest tree in Denmark, probably in all of Europe, Kongeegen (the King oak)near Jægerspris on Zealand. This oak is thought to be 1500-2000 years old. This oak is found in the north forest, to- gether with two oaks of almost the same age. In 1973 the last main branch broke off the oak,which at that time had a circumference of 14 m. In 1986 a graft was taken from the oak, and the Danner oak (the graft), was planted near Jægerspris castle by His Royal Highnes Prins Henrik of Denmark. Further to the old tree, we see children riding their ponies in the snow-covered forest.

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