Helmsman on Christmas night 1927, Royal Copenhagen Christmas plate
- Brand: Royal Copenhagen
- Artist: Chr. Benjamin Olsen
- Item no: RX1927
- Alt number: 1901027
- Year: 1927
- Color: Blue and White
- Type: Porcelain (Underglaze)
- Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
About the product
1927 Royal Copenhagen Christmas plate, designed by Chr. Benjamin Olsen, has the title Helmsman at the wheel Christmas night. The Christmas plate of 1927 depicts a young man, in oilskin coat and a southwester, at the rudder of a ship. The sea is calm, and in the sky the Christmas star shines. A typically Danish scenery, as Denmark is surrounded by water, and no Dane lives more than 50 km. from the waterfront. Royal Copenhagen Christmas plate 1927 was only produced in 1927.
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Easter vase 1927, Royal Copenhage...
Item no: RPV1927
Year: 1927
Measurement: H: 19 cm
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