Pharmacy plate, Pharmacy Interior 1700, Royal Copenhagen
- Brand: Royal Copenhagen
- Item no: RNR753-1985
- Alt number: K.NR.7053
- Year: 1985
- Color: Blue and White
- Type: Porcelain (Underglaze)
- Measurement: Ø: 20 cm
About the product
Royal Copenhagen pharmacy plate Motif : pharmacy interior from the museum Den Gamle By ( The Old Town ) in Aarhus Teknique : underglazed The pharmacy museum has been established in Poul Pop's house, which was originally built in Aalborg in 1571 as living quarters. In 1942 the house was moved to Den Gamle by and decorated as an old pharmacy. The drawers date back to mid 18th century, from Enhjørning pharmacy ( Unicorn pahrmacy). The rest of the equipment comes from various pharmacies.
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