Danish Porcelain House - New, retro, antique and vintage

The Christmas tree on City Hall square 1930, Bing & Grondahl Christmas plate

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Before: USD 54.45 Now USD 42.26
  • Brand: Bing & Grondahl
  • Artist: H. Flugenring
  • Item no: BX1930
  • Alt number: 1902130
  • Year: 1930
  • Color: Blue and White
  • Type: Porcelain (Underglaze)
  • Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
About the product
1930 Bing & Grondahl Christmas plate, designed by H. Flügenring, is titled The Christmastree on City Hall square. Bing & Grondahl's Christmas plate from 1930 depicts the Christmas tree at the town hall in Copenhagen. This square is shaped as a shell, as the architect was inspired by the town hall in Siena, Toscana, where the square was also shaped as a shell. In Denmark the first Christmas tree was lit at Holsteinsborg in 1808. In 1817 the famous Danish writer Johan Ludwig Heiberg spoke in favour of the Christmas tree, where- as Grundtvig spoke of this tradition as watered-down Christianity. In 1847 Peter Faber wrote "Højt fra træets grønne top", where all the traditions around the Christ- mas tree are described. The first outdoor Christmas tree in Denmark was lit at the town hall square in Copen- hagen in 1914, and hereafter this custom spread to almost every town in Denmark.

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