Danish Porcelain House - New, retro, antique and vintage

Lighthouse in Danish Waters, 1924 Bing & Grondahl Christmas plate

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Before: USD 43.80 Now USD 24.50
  • Year: 1924
  • Color: Blue and White
  • Type: Porcelain (Underglaze)
  • Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
About the product
1924 Bing & Grondahl Christmas plate, designed by Achton Friis, has the title Lighthouse in Danish Waters. Bing & Grondahl's Christmas plate fram 1924 deicts the lighthouse at Sprogø, a small island betweeen Funen and Sealand, the two largest islands in Denmark. Denmark has 1419 islands, of which 443 are named. Be- cause Denmark is surrounded by water, there are a large number of light houses, of which Sprogø lighthouse is an excellent represen- tative. This lighthouse was built in 1809 by the post authorities in order to mark the shipping route across the Great Belt. The light house was taken over by the light- house authorities in 1853, and the present lighthouse was built in 1868. Today Sprogø is connected with Funen and Sealand through the Great Belt bridge, which was established in 1997. Before the establishement of the bridge, Sprogø was 0,38 m2, but because of the establishment of the bridge the area is now four times as big. The lighthouse at Sprogø was pre- served in 1987 and was thus not affected by the bridge building.

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