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Swedish Ship plate, Sunbeam 1981, Bing & Grondahl

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Before: USD 74.02 Now USD 37.01
  • Year: 1981
  • Color: Blue and White
  • Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
About the product
This 1981 Bing & Grondahl Swedish Marine plate has the title Sunbeam. The motif of this 1981 Bing & Grondahl Swedish Marine plate shows the Swedish training ship named Sunbeam.
Inscription: Skolskeppet 1946 Sunbeam 1952
The training ship "Sunbeam" Built in 1929 in Dumbarton, Scotland, by Denny Brothers for Lord Runciman. Christened the "Sunbeam ll" after and earlier Sunbeam. Built of steel besides sails - three gaff sails and two square sails on the main mast as well as gaff-topsail and staysail - she carried an atlas diesel engine of 550 indicated HP. During the 1939-45 war she was used as a mother ship for submarines. In 1946 she was purchased by the Rydbergska Stiftelsen in Stockholm to be used as a training ship. In 1955 the Stiftelsen sold the vessel to the shipowner Einar Hansen in Malmö, and under the name of the "Flying Clipper" she continued service as a training ship for the Clipper Line Company. In 1965 Mr. Hansen sold the vessel to the creek state on which occasion she was renamed the "Eugene Eugenides.

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