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Penguin with Young Ones 1998, Bing & Grondahl Mother's Day plate

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Before: USD 23.13 Now USD 16.19
  • Brand: Bing & Grondahl
  • Artist: Les Didier
  • Item no: BM1998
  • Alt number: 1902698
  • Year: 1998
  • Color: Blue and White
  • Type: Porcelain (Underglaze)
  • Measurement: Ø: 15 cm
About the product
1998 Bing & Grondahl Mother's Day plate with the title Pinguin with Young Ones was designed by Les Didier. The motif of the 1998 Bing & Grondahl Mothers Day plate is a beautiful family portrait of an emperor penguin with its young against a backdrop of snow-clad cliffs. With emperor penguins it is the male who incubates the egg - alone and without eating or leaving the egg for the approzimate two month period reqiured for the egg to hatch. When the males hatch the eggs they stand together in schools to keep each other warm. While the males are hatching the eggs the females are swimming in the sea to get food. When the males have hatched the eggs the females are returning to take over the care for the young ones. Then the males go to the sea to eat. The Bing & Grondahl Mothers Day plates were started in 1969 and are still being continued with a new Mother's Day plate every year.
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