Danish Porcelain House - New, retro, antique and vintage

Wiinblad Bolette 3 parts, brushdecorated, unique, blue/white

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USD 5299.02
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  • Type: Ceramics/Stoneware/Faience
  • Measurement: H: 82 cm
About the product
Figurine, handpainted in blue/whiteD. Design : Bjørn Wiinblad Bjørn Wiinblad, internationally high profiled artist, is considered one of the most colourful and versatile artists of our time.His production is diversified, and includes figurines, plates, bowls, candle- sticks,dinner sets,furniture and much more. Figures on The works of Wiinblad are stylized, executed in either blue/white or multicolour, always bright optimistic colours. Bjørn Wiinblad,also called "Nature's merry son" brilliantly lives up to his motto " give joy to the people". His works are renowned all over the world, they have become collector's items, and numerous works are displayed in the grest international museums from Stockholm to New York.