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Royal Copenhagen Annual Figurine 2014, Hans Christian Andersen

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  • Year: 2014
  • Measurement: H: 12 cm
About the product
Royal Copenhagen Annual Figurine 2014 has the title Hans Christian Andersen and was designed by Sven Vestergaard. All the characteristic we associate with Hans Christian Andersen is accentuated at this beautiful Annual figurine from Royal Copenhagen. His high hat, the straight nose and his clothes are all wellknown to us. In his hand he has one of his books and as he hold one of his fingers between the papers in the book, we get the impression that he has just been interrupted in his reading. A small grey duckling is sitting next to his foot and it naturally leeds us to think about one of the most famous Hans Christian Andersen fairytales: The Ugly Duckling, who has to go through so many bad things before it turns into a beautiful swan. This particular fairytale has by many been interpreted as Hans Christian Andersens own desribtion of him self. The Hans Christian Andersen figurine is a part of the 2014 Christmas series from Royal Copenhagen. This Annual figurine of Hans Christian Andersen fits perfect to the Christmas plate, which depict the statue of Hans Christian Andersen in front of Copenhagen city hall.
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