Jens Peter Dahl-Jensen
Born July 23rd 1874 in Nibe (Jutland)
Teknisk skole ( Technical college), Aalborg.
Trained as cabinet maker and carver.
Academi of fine arts 1894-1897.
Worked as modelling master for Bing & Grondahl 1897-1917
Managing director of Bing & Grondahl's subsidiary Norden 1917-1925
Opened his own factory at Frederikssundsvej 288, d. 25. aug. 1925.
Died in Copenhagen December 12th 1960.

From 1897 until 1925 Dahl Jensen (DJ) was employed as designer by Bing & Grondahl. Until 1917 in modelling, and after that as Norden's first managing director.

Below please find some of the items designed while Dahl-Jensen worked for Bing & Grondahl (1897-1917)

On August 25 1925 Dahl Jensen bought frederikssundsvej 288 in Brønshøj, and he immediately started renovating the buildings in order to start his porcelain manufacture.
Production increased steadily and after a short period it was possible for him to employ other

artists and to expand the range of models. Over the years there were modeled as much as 400 different characters, of which about 280 of these were modeled by Jens Peter Dahl Jensen personally.
Below please find some examples of figurines, designed by Dahl Jensen, produced at The Dahl-Jensen Factory:

Today the best know products from Dahl Jensen are figurines, but the factory also produced the well known craquele items.

Dahl Jensen preferred to model animals and particularly birds had his interest. He also modelled a series of oriental figurines, in which he used Asiatic people from the entertainment business as his models.

On December 12th 1960 Jens Peter Dahl Jensen died, and left his factory to his two grand children Else and Anker. Unfortunately the factory had to close in 1985, and all moulds and inventory were destroyed, so none of Dahl Jensen's products can be produced again.
The Dahl Jensen products are very much in demand because of their quality, their exquisite colours and their richness of detail. In particular Dahl Jensen's oriental figurines and the large animal figurines are very popular collectors items.
Dahl Jensen
Born July 23rd 1874 in Nibe (Jutland)
Teknisk skole ( Technical college), Aalborg.
Trained as cabinet maker and carver.
Academi of fine arts 1894-1897.
Worked as modelling master for Bing & Grondahl 1897-1917
Managing director of Bing & Grondahl's subsidiary Norden 1917-1925
Opened hids own factory at Frederikssundsvej 288, d. 25. aug. 1925.
Died in Copenhagen December 12th 1960.