Through the years we have gotten cups from a number of different producers and these many exciting cups we show on this page.
For instance we have a row of Swedish cobalt blue cups with an elegant golden edge. These cups were released on occasion of celebrations in the Swedish royal family. We have cups celebrating the birth of princess Madeleine and Prince Carl Phillip as well as memorial cups for Swedish kings. These cups also contain the motto of the kings like that of the present king Carl XVI Gustaf; För Sverige i tiden (For Sweden in the present). According to the king himself this motto refers to his wish to be a modern king for the new Sweden. These cups were produced for Tonkin AB, which is a Swedish Company working in collectibles. Tonkin AB have also had produced Vasa Race mugs and a series of cobalt blue egg cups that also have royal motifs. Furthermore there is a row of eggcups with birds, Christmas plates with golden silhuets and Christmas bells.
Of the slightly different sort we have some mother's day cups from Austrian Steinböck, who are special in that they produced enamelled collectibles in strong colors. These cups are small, but with strong colors and a unique expression. They have the strongly stylished patterns that we also see on Steinböcks Annual plates, mother's day plates or egg cups.
Uniquely we have the fantastic Colonial Service from Royal Copenhagen that was produced by Royal Copenhagen on occasion of the bicentennary of the US declaration of independence. The parts of the service have silhuets of the American independence heroes and Queen Margrethe II of Denmark gave a set to president Gerald Ford in 1976.
We also have monthly cups from Royal Albert with attractive floral designs and a romantic design of the cups. These cups are available in both a large and a small version. We do not have every month in stock and only a limited number of those that we have. The cups are in the style that Royal Albert is known for with a strong decorative style and rounded shapes. Each monthly cups has its flower that fits the month from the snowdrop on the january cups to the rose on the june cup.
And then we have cups and plates for a small coffee service from Hackefors with silhouettes of the Swedish royal family. The service is kept in white with golden edges and with black silhouettes. The cups and plates have silhouettes of among other queen Silvia and Carl XVI Gustaf.