Father's Day plates from Porsgrund
The first editions from 1971 until 1982 were done on light blue background with the words Fars Dag (Father's Day) plus year written at the top of the plate. In 1983 the design of the plates was strictly changed into a white background with more artistic motifs in blue colour. Instead of Father's Day, it was hereafter the words "For Father plus year" that adorned the bottom of the plates.
Many people will recognize some of the motifs of the Porsgrund Father's Day plates and sit with a smile when we think back to similar incidents from our own childhood. Playing in the snow with the rest of the family on a beautiful winter day, playing football or planting a tree in the garden in summer or being on a fishing trip are events which we later look back on with pleasure.

The first Porsgrund Father's Day plate was designed by Gunnar Bratlie.
Porsgrund has also released a series of Mother's Day plates. Other factories have also produced Mother's Day plates, but only a few have produced Father's Day plates for example Egemose.