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Fairytale And Myth Plates

146 products
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Fairytales Myths Etc - Plates with Fairy tales - Save up to 50 %

Fairytale And Myth Plates

Hans Christian Andersen is known throughout the world and many of his fairy tales have been depicted on plates, figurines and plaquettes. Also folk tales from different parts of the world are used as inspiration and motifs on porcelain plates.

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146 products
Hans Christian Andersen's House1954, Bing & Grondahl Christmas plate
Hans Christian Andersen's House1954, Bing & Grondahl Christmas plate
Hans Christian Andersen's House...
USD 37.22
Before: USD 50.50
Item no: BX1954 Year: 1954 Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
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Hans Christian Andersen plate, Little Claus and Big Claus, Bing & Grondahl -13%
Hans Christian Andersen plate, Lit...
USD 44.04
Before: USD 50.50
Item no: BNR8848-628 Measurement: Ø: 21 cm
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Bradex plate in the series Hans Christian Andersen The Ugly Duckling -51%
Bradex plate in the series Hans Christi...
USD 34.25
Before: USD 69.65
Item no: BRADEX14-G65-2-5 Year: 1986 Measurement: Ø: 20 cm
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The King's Garden in Copenhagen 1988, Bing & Grondahl Christmas plate
The King's Garden in Copenhagen 1988, Bing & Grondahl Christmas plate
The King's Garden in Copenhagen 1988,...
USD 9.94
Before: USD 25.25
Item no: BX1988 Year: 1988 Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
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The Fir Tree - 1973 Desiree Hans Christian Andersen Christmas plate
The Fir Tree - 1973 Desiree Hans Christian Andersen Christmas plate
The Fir Tree - 1973 Desiree Hans Chri...
USD 8.71
Before: USD 29.02
Item no: DX1973 Year: 1973 Measurement: Ø: 19 cm
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The Snow Man - 1977 Desiree Hans Christian Andersen Christmas plate
The Snow Man - 1977 Desiree Hans Christian Andersen Christmas plate
The Snow Man - 1977 Desiree Hans...
USD 8.71
Before: USD 29.02
Item no: DX1977 Year: 1977 Measurement: Ø: 19 cm
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The Bell - 1986 Desiree Christmas Hans Christian Andersen plate, cake plate
The Bell - 1986 Desiree Christmas Hans Christian Andersen plate, cake plate
The Bell - 1986 Desiree Christmas ...
USD 22.64
Before: USD 34.25
Item no: DX1986 Year: 1986 Measurement: Ø: 19 cm
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The Old Farmhouse - 1993 Desiree Hans Christian Andersen Christmas plate, cake plate
The Old Farmhouse - 1993 Desiree Hans Christian Andersen Christmas plate, cake plate
The Old Farmhouse - 1993 Desiree Ha...
USD 28.88
Before: USD 45.85
Item no: DX1993 Year: 1993 Measurement: Ø: 19 cm
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Everything in Its Right Place - 1995 Desiree Hans Christian Andersen Christmas plate, cake plate
Everything in Its Right Place - 1995 Desiree Hans Christian Andersen Christmas plate, cake plate
Everything in Its Right Place - 1995 ...
USD 34.25
Before: USD 57.46
Item no: DX1995 Year: 1995 Measurement: Ø: 19 cm
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Hans Christian Andersen's House 2005, Royal Copenhagen Christmas plate
Hans Christian Andersen's House 2005, Royal Copenhagen Christmas plate
Hans Christian Andersen's House ...
USD 75.09
Before: USD 90.26
Item no: RX2005 Year: 2005 Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
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Bradex plate in the series Hans Christian Andersen The Ugly Duckling -51%
Bradex plate in the series Hans Christi...
USD 34.25
Before: USD 69.65
Item no: BRADEX14-G65-2-2 Year: 1985 Measurement: Ø: 20 cm
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Vinogradoff, Plate series "Russian Legends" No. 1
Vinogradoff, Plate series "Russian Legends" No. 1
Vinogradoff, Plate series "Russian Le...
USD 18.79
Before: USD 40.34
Item no: BRADEX60-V25-1-1 Year: 1988 Measurement: Ø: 20 cm
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Vinogradoff, Plate series "Russian Legend's" -22%
Vinogradoff, Plate series "Russian Le...
USD 31.42
Before: USD 40.34
Item no: BRADEX60-V25-1-12 Year: 1990 Measurement: Ø: 20 cm
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Outside the lighted Window 1919, Bing & Grondahl Christmas plate -26%
Outside the lighted Window 1919, Bin...
USD 37.22
Before: USD 50.50
Item no: BX1919 Year: 1919 Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
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Memorial plate Hans Christian Andersen, Wedgwood -38%
Memorial plate Hans Christian Andersen...
USD 31.42
Before: USD 50.50
Item no: DV1658 Measurement: Ø: 20 cm
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Franklin Porcelain, Plate in the plate collection Grimm Fairy Tales no. 8
Franklin Porcelain, Plate in the plate c...
USD 35.26
Item no: DV3111-08 Measurement: Ø: 24 cm
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Hans Christian Andersen plate - The Steadfast Tin Soldier, Lise Porcelæn
Hans Christian Andersen plate - T...
USD 18.57
Item no: DV3140 Measurement: Ø: 20 cm
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The Old Street Lamp - 1979 Desiree Hans Christian Andersen Christmas plate
The Old Street Lamp - 1979 Desiree Hans Christian Andersen Christmas plate
The Old Street Lamp - 1979 Desiree Ha...
USD 6.82
Before: USD 23.22
Item no: DX1979 Year: 1979 Measurement: Ø: 19 cm
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The Uttermost Parts of The Sea - 1981 Desiree Hans Christian Andersen Christmas plate -70%
The Uttermost Parts of The Sea - 1981 ...
USD 8.71
Before: USD 29.02
Item no: DX1981 Year: 1981 Measurement: Ø: 19 cm
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The Story of the Year - 1983 Desiree Hans Christian Andersen Christmas plate, cake plate
The Story of the Year - 1983 Desiree Hans Christian Andersen Christmas plate, cake plate
The Story of the Year - 1983 Desire...
USD 18.79
Before: USD 37.29
Item no: DX1983 Year: 1983 Measurement: Ø: 19 cm
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Thumbelina - 1987 Desiree Hans Christian Andersen Christmas plate, cake plate
Thumbelina - 1987 Desiree Hans Christian Andersen Christmas plate, cake plate
Thumbelina - 1987 Desiree Hans Chri...
USD 62.40
Item no: DX1987 Year: 1987 Measurement: Ø: 19 cm
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The Two Baronesses - 1999 Desiree Hans Christian Andersen Christmas plate, cake plate
The Two Baronesses - 1999 Desiree Hans Christian Andersen Christmas plate, cake plate
The Two Baronesses - 1999...
USD 28.88
Before: USD 45.85
Item no: DX1999 Year: 1999 Measurement: Ø: 19 cm
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Hans Christian Andersen Fairytale plate, The Real Princess, Royal Copenhagen -39%
Hans Christian Andersen Fairytale...
USD 37.22
Before: USD 60.51
Item no: RNR528-03 Measurement: Ø: 19 cm
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Hans Christian Andersen Fairytale plate, The Red Shoes, Royal Copenhagen -39%
Hans Christian Andersen Fairytale...
USD 37.22
Before: USD 60.51
Item no: RNR528-11 Measurement: Ø: 19 cm
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Hans Christian Andersen plate, The Flying Trunk, Bing & Grondahl -15%
Hans Christian Andersen plate, Th...
USD 39.47
Before: USD 46.44
Item no: BNR8844-628 Measurement: Ø: 21 cm
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Vinogradoff, Plate series "Russian Legend's" -22%
Vinogradoff, Plate series "Russian Le...
USD 31.42
Before: USD 40.34
Item no: BRADEX60-V25-1-11 Year: 1990 Measurement: Ø: 20 cm
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Vinogradoff, Plate series "Russian Legends" No. 4 -53%
Vinogradoff, Plate series "Russian Le...
USD 18.79
Before: USD 40.34
Item no: BRADEX60-V25-1-4 Year: 1989 Measurement: Ø: 20 cm
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Vinogradoff, Plate series "Russian Legends" No. 6 -22%
Vinogradoff, Plate series "Russian Le...
USD 31.42
Before: USD 40.34
Item no: BRADEX60-V25-1-6 Year: 1990 Measurement: Ø: 20 cm
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The Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweep - 1974 Desiree Hans Christian Andersen Christmas plate
The Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweep - 1974 Desiree Hans Christian Andersen Christmas plate
The Shepherdess and the Chimney S...
USD 6.82
Before: USD 23.22
Item no: DX1974 Year: 1974 Measurement: Ø: 19 cm
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The Ugly Duckling - 1975 Desiree Hans Christian Andersen Christmas plate
The Ugly Duckling - 1975 Desiree Hans Christian Andersen Christmas plate
The Ugly Duckling - 1975 Desiree Hans...
USD 8.71
Before: USD 29.02
Item no: DX1975 Year: 1975 Measurement: Ø: 19 cm
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The Last Dream of The Old Oak Tree - 1978 Desiree Hans Christian Andersen Christmas plate -70%
The Last Dream of The Old Oak Tree ...
USD 9.43
Before: USD 31.49
Item no: DX1978 Year: 1978 Measurement: Ø: 19 cm
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The Nightingale - 1984 Desiree Hans Christian Andersen Christmas plate, cake plate
The Nightingale - 1984 Desiree Hans Christian Andersen Christmas plate, cake plate
The Nightingale - 1984 Desiree Hans...
USD 17.27
Before: USD 34.25
Item no: DX1984 Year: 1984 Measurement: Ø: 19 cm
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The Old House - 1989 Desiree Hans Christian Andersen Christmas plate, cake plate
The Old House - 1989 Desiree Hans Christian Andersen Christmas plate, cake plate
The Old House - 1989 Desiree Hans...
USD 22.64
Before: USD 34.25
Item no: DX1989 Year: 1989 Measurement: Ø: 19 cm
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The Windmill - 1991 Desiree Hans Christian Andersen Christmas plate, cake plate
The Windmill - 1991 Desiree Hans Christian Andersen Christmas plate, cake plate
The Windmill - 1991 Desiree Hans Chri...
USD 22.64
Before: USD 34.25
Item no: DX1991 Year: 1991 Measurement: Ø: 19 cm
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The Round Tower - 1992 Desiree Hans Christian Andersen Christmas plate, cake plate
The Round Tower - 1992 Desiree Hans Christian Andersen Christmas plate, cake plate
The Round Tower - 1992 Desiree Hans...
USD 28.88
Before: USD 45.85
Item no: DX1992 Year: 1992 Measurement: Ø: 19 cm
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Pearls on a String - 1994 Desiree Hans Christian Andersen Christmas plate, cake plate
Pearls on a String - 1994 Desiree Hans Christian Andersen Christmas plate, cake plate
Pearls on a String - 1994 Desiree Hans...
USD 28.88
Before: USD 45.85
Item no: DX1994 Year: 1994 Measurement: Ø: 19 cm
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The Fairytale of My Life - 1997 Desiree Hans Christian Andersen Christmas plate, cake plate
The Fairytale of My Life - 1997 Desiree Hans Christian Andersen Christmas plate, cake plate
The Fairytale of My Life - 1997 Desiree...
USD 22.64
Before: USD 34.25
Item no: DX1997 Year: 1997 Measurement: Ø: 19 cm
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The Royal Castle "Fredensborg" - 2001 Desiree Hans Christian Andersen Christmas plate, cake plate
The Royal Castle "Fredensborg" - 2001 Desiree Hans Christian Andersen Christmas plate, cake plate
The Royal Castle "Fredensborg" - 20...
USD 28.88
Before: USD 45.85
Item no: DX2001 Year: 2001 Measurement: Ø: 19 cm
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1983 Hans Christian Andersen Fairytale plate no. 1, Royal Copenhagen -34%
1983 Hans Christian Andersen Fairytale...
USD 49.85
Before: USD 75.02
Item no: RE1983 Year: 1983 Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
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1984 Hans Christian Andersen Fairytale plate no. 2, Royal Copenhagen
1984 Hans Christian Andersen Fairytale...
USD 75.02
Item no: RE1984 Year: 1984 Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
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Hans Christian Andersen Fairytale plate, The Tinderbox, Royal Copenhagen -18%
Hans Christian Andersen Fairytale...
USD 49.85
Before: USD 60.51
Item no: RNR528-02 Measurement: Ø: 19 cm
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Hans Christian Andersen Fairytale plate, The Little Mermaid, Royal Copenhagen -18%
Hans Christian Andersen Fairytale...
USD 45.85
Before: USD 55.72
Item no: RNR528-04 Measurement: Ø: 19 cm
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Hans Christian Andersen Fairytale plate, The Ugly Duckling, Royal Copenhagen -39%
Hans Christian Andersen Fairytale...
USD 37.22
Before: USD 60.51
Item no: RNR528-07 Measurement: Ø: 19 cm
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Hans Christian Andersen Fairytale plate, The Little Match Girl, Royal Copenhagen -39%
Hans Christian Andersen Fairytale...
USD 37.22
Before: USD 60.51
Item no: RNR528-09 Measurement: Ø: 19 cm
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Hans Christian Andersen fairytale plate, The Darning Needle, no. 5, Bing & Grondahl -22%
Hans Christian Andersen fairytale ...
USD 31.42
Before: USD 40.34
Item no: BNR4517-620 Measurement: Ø: 21 cm
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1805-1975 Memorial plate, Hans Christian Andersen
1805-1975 Memorial plate, Hans Christian Andersen
1805-1975 Memorial plate, Hans Christi...
USD 37.22
Before: USD 62.40
Item no: BNR760 Year: 1975 Measurement: Ø: 25 cm
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Bradex plate in the series Hans Christian Andersen The Ugly Duckling -52%
Bradex plate in the series Hans Christi...
USD 44.04
Before: USD 90.84
Item no: BRADEX14-G65-2-1 Year: 1985 Measurement: Ø: 20 cm
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Bradex plate in the series Hans Christian Andersen The Ugly Duckling -51%
Bradex plate in the series Hans Christi...
USD 34.25
Before: USD 69.65
Item no: BRADEX14-G65-2-3 Year: 1986 Measurement: Ø: 20 cm
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Bradex plate in the series Hans Christian Andersen The Ugly Duckling -51%
Bradex plate in the series Hans Christi...
USD 37.22
Before: USD 75.75
Item no: BRADEX14-G65-2-4 Year: 1986 Measurement: Ø: 20 cm
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Plate in the series "Legend of the Snow Maiden " -16%
Plate in the series "Legend of the Sno...
USD 37.22
Before: USD 44.11
Item no: BRADEX60-K24-1-1 Year: 1990 Measurement: Ø: 20 cm
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Plate in the series "Legend of the Snow Maiden " -16%
Plate in the series "Legend of the Sno...
USD 37.22
Before: USD 44.11
Item no: BRADEX60-K24-1-2 Year: 1990 Measurement: Ø: 20 cm
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Plate in the series "Legend of the Snow Maiden " -16%
Plate in the series "Legend of the Sno...
USD 37.22
Before: USD 44.11
Item no: BRADEX60-K24-1-3 Year: 1990 Measurement: Ø: 20 cm
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Plate in the series "Legend of the Snow Maiden " -16%
Plate in the series "Legend of the Sno...
USD 37.22
Before: USD 44.11
Item no: BRADEX60-K24-1-4 Year: 1990 Measurement: Ø: 20 cm
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Plate in the series "Legend of the Snow Maiden "
Plate in the series "Legend of the Snow Maiden "
Plate in the series "Legend of the Sno...
USD 37.22
Before: USD 44.11
Item no: BRADEX60-K24-1-5 Year: 1990 Measurement: Ø: 20 cm
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Plate in the series "Legend of the Snow Maiden " -16%
Plate in the series "Legend of the Sno...
USD 37.22
Before: USD 44.11
Item no: BRADEX60-K24-1-6 Year: 1990 Measurement: Ø: 20 cm
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Plate in the series "Legend of the Snow Maiden " -16%
Plate in the series "Legend of the Sno...
USD 37.22
Before: USD 44.11
Item no: BRADEX60-K24-1-7 Year: 1990 Measurement: Ø: 20 cm
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Plate in the series "Legend of the Snow Maiden " -16%
Plate in the series "Legend of the Sno...
USD 37.22
Before: USD 44.11
Item no: BRADEX60-K24-1-8 Year: 1990 Measurement: Ø: 20 cm
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Vinogradoff, Plate series "Russian Legends" No. 2 -53%
Vinogradoff, Plate series "Russian Le...
USD 18.79
Before: USD 40.34
Item no: BRADEX60-V25-1-2 Year: 1988 Measurement: Ø: 20 cm
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Vinogradoff, Plate series "Russian Legends" No. 3 -45%
Vinogradoff, Plate series "Russian Le...
USD 22.06
Before: USD 40.34
Item no: BRADEX60-V25-1-3 Year: 1989 Measurement: Ø: 20 cm
In stock
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Vinogradoff, Plate series "Russian Legends" No. 5 -22%
Vinogradoff, Plate series "Russian Le...
USD 31.42
Before: USD 40.34
Item no: BRADEX60-V25-1-5 Year: 1989 Measurement: Ø: 20 cm
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Fairytale plates

Naturally it is the Hans Christian Andersen fairy tales that completely dominate among Danish plates with fairy tale motifs. The great writer has a prominent place on Danish plates. The entire Desiree Christmas plate series is thus inspired by his fairytales and life. Both Royal Copenhagen and Bing & Grondahl has also issued plates with Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales.

The motifs on the plates are from the popular fairy tales. An example of this is that Grande Copenhagen has produced an entire series of plates based on the fairy tale of The Ugly Duckling.

Bing & Grondahl has issued two series with motifs from the fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen. One series is coloured and the other with black and white drawings. Among the fairytales depicted are; The Flying Trunk, The Little Mermaid, Thumbelina and The Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweep.

Royal Copenhagen, too, has made many fairy tale plates with Hans Christian Andersen motifs. Royal Copenhagen has issued 4 series with fairytale motifs. One of the series are in the classical blue color also known from the Royal Copenhagen Christmas plates. Another series is the Hans Christian Andersen plates with colorated motifs and a golden edge. This is a beautiful and colorful series that recollect the story through the motif.

Royal Copenhagen has also issued a fairytale series in 6 plates with colorfull and light motifs. This series is rare and hard to come by.

The last series from Royal Copenhagen is plates with silhouettes of fairytales and a green edge. This plate series is rare and not seen often.

Fairy tale plates - the little match-seller

Other Fairytale Plates

There are other plates with fairytale motifs than just the Danish with Hans Christian Andersen fairytales. Franklin porcelain from Wedgwood is behind a series of the fairytales of the brothers Grimm. Here you'll find motifs from Little Red Riding Hood, Rumpelstiltskin, Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty.

Vinogradoff Porzellan has issued plates with Russian fairytales and myths. These also have the motif on a black background encircled by a golden edge.