Bing & Grondahl Centennial plaquettes
In 1995 Bing & Grondahl was celebrating the 100 years of the publication of the world's first Christmas plate, which the factory issued in 1895. The anniversary year was marked with various plates and plaquettes in the years up to and obviously even more in 1995. The title of the first B&G Christmas plate is "Behind the frozen window", which of course is a part of the motif on many of the anniversary plates. For instance, the important Copenhagen Towers is the motif of the big centennial plate with gold from 1995 and the large Centenary dish.
Royal Copenhagen 100 years centennial plaquettes
In the last years before the anniversary of the first Royal Copenhagen Christmas plate from 1908, the factory published a centennial series of four plaquettes of 8 cm published from 2004 to 2007. The design of the 100 year centennial plaquettes are taken from the previous Christmas plates, so is the angel from 1945 and Christmas on the street from 1937 pictured.