People from fairy tales and stage plays are also produced in porcelain from B&G and Royal Copenhagen. Several personalities from some of the most famous Hans Christian Andersen fairy tales and some theatrical figures have been published in porcelain.
The fairy tale figurines are many and varied not only from the fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen, but also from playwrites like Ludvig Holberg and Shakespear. It is possible to get figurines from your favorite fairy tale or play. The Little Mermaid is a favored motif and can be found in many versions, but many others are also available like the wonderful sadness of The Little Match Girl or the drama of Hamlet and Ophelia. The Sandman could make a beautiful figurine for the child's bedroom. And for the aspirering and ambitious youth a figurine of Hans Clodhopper on his goat could be a very humorous gift for his shelf to always remind of the value of ingenuity. For the young couple setting out in the world The Shepherdess and the Sweep are a fitting gift. Even for the girl, who loves the flowers of the garden there are figurines from the fairy tale Little Ida's Flower the cheer her up during the flowerless winter months.
In this particular category there have been produced several overglaze figurines that highlight the colours of the figurine beautifully. The manner of over glazing requires an additional burning and therefore there is not produced many overglaze figurines.
Royal Copenhagen and Bing & Grondahl adventure and theater figurines
Altogether, Royal Copenhagen and Bing & Grondahl produced quite many figurines in relation to the wellknown fairy tales and plays. They manufactured several figurines of Hans Christian Andersen and people from his famous fairy tales, in underglaze as well as overglaze. There have also been created many figurines from the theater world, from famous operettas, ballets and plays.

Royal Copenhagen Hans Christian Andersen figurines
In 2005 we celebrated the 200 years of Hans Christian Andersen's birth and to celebrate this Royal Copenhagen launched a series of beautiful handmade porcelain figurines, which depicts some of Hans Christian Andersen's most famous fairy tales. In the series, we find the following:
The Little Match Girl, sitting in her old clothes, with a match in hand,
Swineherd, who gets his kiss from the beautiful princess,
Tinderbox, where the brave soldier is seen beside the dog with big eyes,
The Little Mermaid sitting on her stone
Clumsy Hans on his goat with a dead crow in hand
The Flying Trunk
Thumbelina sitting on her leaf down the river
Sandman with his umbrella
The series was unfortunately only in production until 2011, with declining production over the years, and because of the fairy tales popularity there is still a high demand for the Hans Christian Andersen figurines. The H.C. Andersen figurines were designed by Sven Vestergaard.

Royal Copenhagen Fairy Tale Figurines
Many years ago, Royal Copenhagen made a unique series of large fairy tales figurines in overglaze. Most of the figurines were designed by Gerhard Henning. There were only produced very few of these overglaze figures, and they are popular and can be hard to find.
Christian Thomsen has also designed fairy tale figurines for Royal Copenhagen. He was the artist of the Royal Copenhagen figurine of Sandman No. 1129, the Royal Copenhagen figurine of Princess and the Swineherd No 1114 and the Royal Copenhagen figurine of Tinder box no. 1156 etc.
Are you looking for figurines of Hans Christian Andersen in person, you should look for the Royal Copenhagen Hans Christian Andersen Figure No. 4216, - This figurine was designed by Hans Henrik Hansen in 1948. Royal Copenhagen Hans Christian Andersen Figure No. 5245, also shows the poet, in a more humble version.
Bing & Grondahl H.C. Andersen figurines
Bing & Grondahl, like Royal Copenhagen published several figurines related to Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales, but unlike the Royal Copenhagen figures, Bing & Grondahl did not produce an actual series of Hans Christian Andersen figurines. Their figurines were released over time and have different designers. Among some of them include B&G figurine of Woman with the eggs No. 2126, designed by Svend Lindhart and B&G figurine of the Little match girl No 1655, designed by Ingeborg Plockross Irminger.
A very popular Bing & Grondahl figurine of Hans Christian Andersen shows the poet with the child on his knee while he is in the process of telling one of his stories. This porcelain figurine was designed by Henning Seidelin and have the No. 2037

Bing & Grondahl theater figurines
B&G have also made a detailed series of Pierrot, Harlequin and Colombine, Hamlet and Ophelia. All the figurines are designed by Ebbe Sadolin and Svend Jespersen.
Ludvig Holberg figurines in overglaze are also masterpieces in of a series of overglaze figurines with a lof of details. Many of Ludvig Holberg figurines are known in line with Hans Christian Andersen figurines. One of the best known is Jeppe of the Hill, but also his comedy "Masquerade" is popular.

Other porcelain figurines of fairy tale and theatre figures
Dahl Jensen has produced a beautiful and very large porcelain figurine of satyr and nymph in white porcelain. Also, some of the German factories have made figures of people from fairy tales and theatres.