Royal Copenhagen and Bing & Grondahl figurines Else and Jens
The most famous figurine of Else is the one where she stands in her blue dress with a bag over her shoulder looking down into the ground. This was the first Else figurine released by the porcelain factory Bing & Grondahl and it was designed by Ingeborg Plockross Irminger. For many years this figurine was produced in the famous blue version and a version of the same figurine of Else with white dress. However in the late 1990s Royal Copenhagen decided, (which in the meantime had merged with Bing & Grondahl), to add more Else figurines to the series - these were designed by Allan Therkelsen, who is behind many of the figurines from this period. He also designed a boy for the series, which was named Jens. The first figurine of Jens came out in 2003 and the last in 2005. There are a total of 6 figurines of Jens and 11 figurines of Else. In addition, the original figurine of Else with blue dress, was, in a very short period, produced in a version with a white dress with pink border and a completely white version made of biscuit, which was part of the Royal Whites series.