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Bing & Grondahl Annual Figurines

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Bing & Grondahl Annual Figurines

Bing & Grondahl has manufactured annual figurines for many years, but in different series. Every series consist of 6 figurines. Therefore you will find annual figurines of boys and girl, but you will also find annual figurines of animals.

Collectible Figurines - Royal Danish Figurines produced by Bing & Grondahl - Save up to 50 %

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29 products
Carl playing trumpet, Bing & Grondahl annual figurine 2010
Carl playing trumpet, Bing & Grondahl annual figurine 2010
Carl playing trumpet, Bing & Grondahl a...
USD 79.96
Item no: BAF2010 Year: 2010 Measurement: H: 12 cm
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1985 Annual Figurine Anna, The young rider, Bing & Grondahl
1985 Annual Figurine Anna, The young rider, Bing & Grondahl
1985 Annual Figurine Anna, The...
USD 118.48
Before: USD 151.35
Item no: BAF1985 Year: 1985
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1990 Bing & Grondahl annual figurine, Gabriella
1990 Bing & Grondahl annual figurine, Gabriella
1990 Bing & Grondahl annual fi...
USD 173.55
Before: USD 208.96
Item no: BAF1990 Year: 1990
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1982 Annual Figurine, Girl with Ball, Bing & Grøndahl
1982 Annual Figurine, Girl with Ball, Bing & Grøndahl
1982 Annual Figurine, Girl with ...
USD 100.34
Before: USD 126.25
Item no: BAF1982 Year: 1982
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1984 Annual Figurine Peter, Boy with fish, Bing & Grøndahl
1984 Annual Figurine Peter, Boy with fish, Bing & Grøndahl
1984 Annual Figurine Peter, Boy...
USD 163.39
Before: USD 181.68
Item no: BAF1984 Year: 1984
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1986 Annual Figurine Jenny, The Little Roller Skater, Bing & GrøndahlBing & Grøndahl
1986 Annual Figurine Jenny, The Little Roller Skater, Bing & GrøndahlBing & Grøndahl
1986 Annual Figurine Jenny, Th...
USD 163.39
Before: USD 201.85
Item no: BAF1986 Year: 1986
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1991 Bing & Grondahl annual figurine, Heinz
1991 Bing & Grondahl annual figurine, Heinz
1991 Bing & Grondahl annual fi...
USD 185.74
Item no: BAF1991 Year: 1991 Measurement: H: 19 cm
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1998 Bing & Grondahl Annual figurine, brown bear
1998 Bing & Grondahl Annual figurine, brown bear
1998 Bing & Grondahl Annual fi...
USD 37.73
Before: USD 60.51
Item no: BAF1998 Year: 1998 Measurement: H: 6 cm x W: 9 cm
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1999 Bing & Grondahl annual figurine
1999 Bing & Grondahl annual figurine
1999 Bing & Grondahl annual fi...
USD 100.27
Item no: BAF1999 Year: 1999
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Marie playing the tuba, Bing & Grondahl annual figurine 2007
Marie playing the tuba, Bing & Grondahl annual figurine 2007
Marie playing the tuba, Bing & Grond...
USD 44.04
Before: USD 69.36
Item no: BAF2007 Year: 2007 Measurement: H: 10 cm
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Alex playing the guitar, Bing & Grondahl annual figurine 2008
Alex playing the guitar, Bing & Grondahl annual figurine 2008
Alex playing the guitar, Bing & Gron...
USD 69.07
Before: USD 81.12
Item no: BAF2008 Year: 2008 Measurement: H: 13 cm
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Boy with piglet, Bing & Grondahl annual figurine 2003
Boy with piglet, Bing & Grondahl annual figurine 2003
Boy with piglet, Bing & Grondahl annual...
Item no: BAF2003 Year: 2003 Measurement: H: 14 cm
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1993 Bing & Grondahl annual figurine, Koala bear
1993 Bing & Grondahl annual figurine, Koala bear
1993 Bing & Grondahl annual fi...
Item no: BAF1993 Year: 1993 Measurement: H: 12 cm
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1997 Bing & Grondahl Annual figurine, black bear
1997 Bing & Grondahl Annual figurine, black bear
1997 Bing & Grondahl Annual fi...
Item no: BAF1997 Year: 1997
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1983 Annual Figurine, Girl, the small artist, Bing & Grøndahl
1983 Annual Figurine, Girl, the small artist, Bing & Grøndahl
1983 Annual Figurine, Girl, the s...
Item no: BAF1983 Year: 1983
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1988 Bing & Grondahl annual figurine, Billy
1988 Bing & Grondahl annual figurine, Billy
1988 Bing & Grondahl annual fi...
Item no: BAF1988 Year: 1988 Measurement: H: 20 cm
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Emilie playing cello, Bing & Grondahl annual figurine 2005
Emilie playing cello, Bing & Grondahl annual figurine 2005
Emilie playing cello, Bing & Grondahl a...
Item no: BAF2005 Year: 2005 Measurement: H: 14 cm
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1987 Bing & Grondahl annual figurine, Karin
1987 Bing & Grondahl annual figurine, Karin
1987 Bing & Grondahl annual fi...
Item no: BAF1987 Year: 1987 Measurement: H: 18 cm
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1989 Bing & Grondahl annual figurine, Anneke
1989 Bing & Grondahl annual fi...
Item no: BAF1989 Year: 1989 Measurement: H: 19 cm
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1992 Bing & Grondahl annual figurine, Miyoko
1992 Bing & Grondahl annual figurine, Miyoko
1992 Bing & Grondahl annual fi...
Item no: BAF1992 Year: 1992 Measurement: H: 19 cm
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1994 Bing & Grondahl annual figurine, grizzly bear
1994 Bing & Grondahl annual figurine, grizzly bear
1994 Bing & Grondahl annual fi...
Item no: BAF1994 Year: 1994
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1995 Bing & Grondahl Annual Figurine, Panda
1995 Bing & Grondahl Annual F...
Item no: BAF1995 Year: 1995 Measurement: H: 9 cm x W: 12 cm
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1996 Bing & Grondahl Annual Figurine, Polar bear
1996 Bing & Grondahl Annual F...
Item no: BAF1996 Year: 1996 Measurement: H: 9 cm
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2000 Bing & Grondahl annual figurine
2000 Bing & Grondahl annual figurine
2000 Bing & Grondahl annual fi...
Item no: BAF2000 Year: 1999
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2001 Bing & Grondahl annual figurine, boy with rabbit
2001 Bing & Grondahl annual figurine, boy with rabbit
2001 Bing & Grondahl annual fi...
Item no: BAF2001 Year: 2001
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Girl with Budgerigar, Bing & Grondahl annual figurine 2002
Girl with Budgerigar, Bing & Grondahl annual figurine 2002
Girl with Budgerigar, Bing & Grondahl a...
Item no: BAF2002 Year: 2002 Measurement: H: 9 cm
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Girl with Hen, Bing & Grondahl annual figurine 2004
Girl with Hen, Bing & Grondahl annual fi...
Item no: BAF2004 Year: 2004 Measurement: H: 14 cm
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Martin playing the drums, Bing & Grondahl anuual figurine 2006
Martin playing the drums, Bing & Gro...
Item no: BAF2006 Year: 2006 Measurement: H: 11 cm
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Anna with accordion, Bing & Grondahl annual figurine 2009
Anna with accordion, Bing & Grondahl annual figurine 2009
Anna with accordion, Bing & Grondahl a...
Item no: BAF2009 Year: 2009 Measurement: H: 12 cm
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Annual Figurines from B&G

Hummel figurines - see the selection here!

Bing & Grondahl Children of the world annual figurines

In 1987 Bing & Grondahl started a new series of annual figurines showing children from six different parts of the world. Children are the future of the world, which has been the inspiration for this series. The first annual Bing & Grondahl figurine from 1987 shows Karin, which is a typical Scandinavian girl from that time. She stands with her hands on her back and a nice blue dress with white apron with fine pattern. She has two golden braids and a white bonnet on her head. The next B&G annual figurine 1988 shows Billy, a typical American boy with weston hat, jeans and chaps, so he's ready to jump on the horse. The B&G annual figurine from 1989 shows Anneke in blue and white polka dot dress with a bouquet of flowers in her hand. In 1990, the Bing and Grondahl annual figurine shows the Italian girl Gabriella with a nice blue dress and a basket of grapes in her arms. The fifth annnual figurine from Bing & Grondahl shows the German boy Heinz - dressed in typical German national dress with short trousers with braces, knee-length stockings and a black hat on his head. The annual figurine 1992 is called Miyoko - a pretty Japanese girl with blue dress with white flowers. The sixth characters in the Bing and Grondahl series "Children of the World" was designed by the American sculptor Carl Lomupo and every Annual figurine was released in a limited edition of 5000 pieces.

Bing & Grondahl Children's day plates and figurines

In 1985 Bing & Grondahl started their series of Children's Day plates, which is still in production today. The first year the figurine was associated with the plate - showing the child from the plate. The Children Day figure of 1987 was a boy with watering can and dog at his side. The Children Day figurine from 1990 shows the girl from the Children Day plate with her beautiful new dress. The figurins is named "See my dress" and is the last figurine in the Children Day series. Subsequently, there is only released one Children's Day plate every year.

Bing & Grondahl annual figurines of animals

In 1993 B&G released a new seris of Annual figurines, baby animals for a total of 6 characters. The designer of the series was Allan Therkelsen, who has made many figurine series for Royal Copenhagen and Bing & Grondahl. The first figurine in the series is a koala bear that sits in a eukalyptus tree. After the koala bear was close to extinction, it was totally preserved and is now living wild in South Australia. The motif in 1994 was a grizzly bear sitting on a rock and in 1995 the motif was a red panda on a tree stump. The red panda is smaller than the large black and white panda, but just as cute. Today the red panda lives in the Himalayas and China. Bing & Grondahl Annual Figurine of the year 1996 shows a nice polar bear cub standing on a piece of ice and B&G annual figure from 1997 shows a black bear standing on its bag legs against a stone. The last B&G Annual Figurine in this series shows a brown bear sitting on its tail so he can bite into one of his paw.

Bing & Grondahl Annual Figurine "My best friend"

From 1999 to 2004 Bing & Grondahl released a series of annual figurines called my best friend. The overall theme of the series was children with their pets. The 1999 figurines was called Poul with puppy. My best friend series was created for B&G by Sven Vestergaard. In 2000, the figurine shows a girl with kittens. She holds one of them carefully in her arms while the other jumps around her feet. The Annual figurine in 2001 was a boy with rabbits and in 2002 the motif was a girl with a budgerigar. A boy with piglet was chosen as the motif in 2003 and the last figure in the series is a girl with a hen in her arms.

Bing & Grondahl Annual Figurine "The little orchestra"

The next six annual figurines from Bing & Grondahl depict children with instruments. It is also Sven Vestergaard, who is the artist behind this series, which is entitled The little orchestra. If you collect all six figurines the children will form a band with different instruments. The first Figurine from 2005 was called Emilie on cello. Martin on drums is Annual figurine from 2006 and Marie on tuba is from 2007. In 2008, the theme changed a bit, as the musicians now got a pet at their side. Alex on guitar from 2008 has a dog at his feet and Anna on the accordion from 2009 has a cat at her feet. The last figure in the series, Carl on trumpet from 2010, also has a dog with him.

Unfortunately, there have not been published Annual figurines from B&G since 2010.