Royal Copenhagen and Bing & Grondahl figurines of hares and rabbits
Rabbits are especially popular among they youngest members of the family, who love them as pets.
Bing and Grondahl has made a series of 3 brown rabbit figurines - Figurine of lying rabbit, standing rabbit looking and sitting rabbit jumbing. These porcelain figurines are also made in a white version. The rabbit has been depicted by several Royal Copenhagen and Bing & Grondahl designers, both as figurines and on wall plates.
Royal Copenhagen has produced a series of 9 small stoneware figurines of rabbits. The figurines looks very decorative when they are displayed in a group, since each rabbit is doing something differently, thereby showing all aspects of its life and movement. The figurines are designed by Jeanne Grut who was a productive designer of porcelain figurines and stoneware figurines. People have individual opinions about whether the figurines depict young rabbits or grown up rabbits, but whatever you think, they are beautifully made and very decorative.
One of the very popular B&G figurines is the standing hare, which is in the process of eating a leaf or the like. Hares are very shy to humans, so we can only admire them from a distance, as long as we are unseen. The hare is having longer legs than the rabbit and is in generally slightly larger.
Below you will find a list including most of the figurines of hares and rabbits.
1003250 Royal Copenhagen Rabbit young Jeanne Grut
1020065 Royal Copenhagen Rabbits Arnold Krog
1020080 Royal Copenhagen Rabbit Christian Thomsen
1020111 Royal Copenhagen White Rabbit Peter Herold
1596 Bing & Grondahl Rabbit with hanging ears Dahl-Jensen
1597 Bing & Grondahl Rabbit which washes Dahl-Jensen
1599 Bing & Grondahl White Rabbit Dahl-Jensen
1833 Bing & Grondahl Rabbit Dahl-Jensen
1874 Bing & Grondahl Rabbit Niels Nielsen
1874-s Bing & Grondahl Rabbit Niels Nielsen
1875 Bing & Grondahl Rabbit Group Niels Nielsen
1875-S Bing & Grondahl Rabbit Group stoneware Niels Nielsen
2080 Bing & Grondahl Hare sitting on hind legs
2081 Bing & Grondahl Hare sitting
2141 Bing & Grondahl Hare Svend Jespersen
2421 Bing & Grondahl Brown Rabbit lying
2422 Bing & Grondahl Brown rabbit lying
2423 Bing & Grondahl Brown Rabbit standing
2441 Bing & Grondahl Landscape white rabbit
2442 Bing & Grondahl Sitting White Rabbit
2443 Bing & Grondahl Standing White Rabbit
22653 Royal Copenhagen Rabbit Young in stoneware Jeanne Grut
22685 Royal Copenhagen Rabbit Young in stoneware Jeanne Grut
22690 Royal Copenhagen Rabbit Young in stoneware Jeanne Grut
22692 Royal Copenhagen Rabbit Young in stoneware Jeanne Grut
22693 Royal Copenhagen Rabbit Young in stoneware Jeanne Grut
22694 Royal Copenhagen Rabbit Young in stoneware Jeanne Grut
22695 Royal Copenhagen Rabbit Young in stoneware Jeanne Grut
4676 Royal Copenhagen White Rabbit Jeanne Grut
4705 Royal Copenhagen White Rabbit Jeanne Grut
The symbolic meaning of hare and rabbit
Through history the hare has had a reputation as making sterile women able to fall pregnant. Probably therefore hare or rabbit figurines are given to a woman who wishes to fall pregnant. Furthermore the hare and the rabbit symbolises desire, yin, femininity, spring, new growing life and transformation. It is said that these animals teaches you to receive hidden messages and intuitive feelings.