Royal Copenhagen and Bing & Grondahl porcelain and stoneware figurines of deer and fallow deer
In 2006, Nanna Brøndum designed two figurines for Royal Copenhagen one lying and one standing deer. The figures were unfortunately only in production for three years until 2009. However, Royal Copenhagen choose to produce the figurine of the standing deer in their Royal Whites figurines series. Royal Whites was a series of figurines that mixed old and new figurines, all released in a white version. Also the popular deer calf No. 1929, which was originally designed by Niels Nielsen for Bing & Grondahl, was released in white biscuit. Deer Calf is also released as stoneware figurine from B&G.

The deer figurines show the wonderful grace and slender beauty of the animal. It lends itself well to both porcelain and stoneware. A deer figurine is a perfect gift for the agile athlete and a stag with prominent antlers are a good gift for the young active man. The lying deer figurine offer and air of calm to any room and make it more distinctive. Figurines of a doe with fawn makes for a wonderful mother's day gift and anyone, who have seen Bambi will love the figurines of fawns standing and looking back towards you.
Bing & Grondahl has also produced a series of porcelain deer in a slightly more abstract design, created by Jean Gaugain. These figurines are not seen very often as there was only produced very few of them.
Royal Copenhagen, in collaboration with the famous stoneware artist, Knud Kyhn, (KK) released several different figurines of deer in stoneware. Some of the figurines are large, bombastic figurines which are quite heavy, while other figurines are much smaller and not quite as spectacular.
Of the more common figurines of deers we can mention the Royal Copenhagen figurine of lying fawn No. 2609, designed by Knud Kyhn and Royal Copenhagen figurine of deer kid No. 2648, also designed by Knud Kyhn.
Many Danes enjoy seeing deer in their gardens in winter, where they often come closer to our houses in their search of food, and if you go for a walk in nature - a forest or park - you may also be lucky to meet a herd of deer. Some times we may even be lucky to see a deer with fawn.
You can see some suggestions of how to decorated with figurines in your interior on our home interior inspiration pages.
The symbolic meaning of deer
The deer symbolises the healing touch, grace, caution and the love from a mother to her child. The antlers represent power and rebirth. It is said that the deer are here to teach humans that there are other ways to reach and fulfil your goal than by using physical strength and force. Danish Porcelain House sells many different deer figurines from different brands. See our beautiful and big collection above.