Royal Copenhagen can be differentiated by a scratch in the glaze
We check all products and categorize all porcelain so that you can easily see, if it is 1st or 2nd quality, but if you shop privately or in various flea markets, etc., it is probably a good idea to know how to check the quality of Royal Copenhagen Porcelain.
Royal Copenhagen has marked all their 2nd quality products with a small scratch in the glaze on the factory mark at the bottom of the product (through the Three Waves) - as shown in the picture to the left. We recommend that you use a good lamp and let the light reflect in the glaze, where the factory mark is located (typically at the bottom or back) to check if you can see a scratch in the waves.
Often, it is quite small things that make Royal Copenhagen choose to sell items as 2nd quality. It can be a small color defect, a black spot, a scratch, or a small mark, etc. - These errors often do not affect the overall impression much, but does affect the price.
Until 1972, the local hardware store also sold 2nd quality
Until 1972, many hardware stores in Denmark sold annual articles (Christmas plates, annual mugs, Mother's Day plates, etc.) in both 1st and 2nd quality from Royal Copenhagen. But after 1972, the factory discarded most annual articles that did not meet the factory's requirements for 1st quality.
As far as we know, since 1972 it has only been possible to buy annual articles in the 2nd quality from Royal Copenhagen's factory outlet on Nordre Fasanvej and Holmegårdsverket in Fensmark. There are therefore not many Royal Copenhagen annual articles in 2nd quality after 1972. - This does not, however, apply to 2nd quality dinnerware, figurines, vases, etc., which have also been available for purchase in other selected stores since 1972.
Employee items
Since 1972, however, it has been possible for Royal Copenhagen employees to buy, what we call employee items. These items are often marked with two or three scratches in the glaze of the factory mark (through The Three Waves).
This does not mean that the item is 3rd quality - as some people mistakenly think. In our experience, the quality of the employee goods corresponds to ordinary 2nd quality (ie. typically goods with one scratch through the factory stamp). Thus, any small errors are virtually irrelevant to the overall impression.
We also see items that are marked with 3 scratches, again, this does not necessarily mean that the "error" on these items is greater than on items that are marked with only one or two scratches. - However, it will always be an assessment when you have the item in hand. - As these may have major errors.
Want to know more about the marking?
Watch the video below where Lone guides you through how Royal Copenhagen sorts their 1st and 2nd quality porcelain
Be aware! This video is in Danish, however once you have pressed play, you can choose to use subtitles! If you are using a desktop you can just press the C-button. If you are using a tablet or mobile phone, click on the settings wheel at the bottom of the video and choose which language you want to see subtitles in.
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