A wall decoration can be an art form in itself and there are many possibilities for decorating walls. Traditional pictures for the wall, wall stickers, and painting the walls in patters and colors is some of the classics when it comes to decorating. But there are also plates!
You may not think about it right away, but the plates have lots of possibilities for wall decoration that goes far beyond just hanging them in a row in the living room. No, the plates can give the room a completely different life than you can with the paintings.
Not convinced? Here are 4 reasons why plates are amazing as wall decorations!
1. Plates are easy to clean
There is a very good reason to why plates has been used as wall decoration through out generations. In addition to the fact that plates put in new and smart ways have become trendy, the plates also have the huge advantage that the dust they collect can easily be washed off and often your plates can be thrown in the dishwasher and they are like new again! Just without dust mites and dirt.
Plates are therefor also amazing as wall decorations in the kitchen. Take them down, wash them, and they are as good as new. You no longer have to worry about what your cooking might do to your wall art.
2. Affordable, easy and beautiful wall decoration
With plates you have the opportunity to place them together so that they create one single wall decoration right after your head. This means that it's totally up to you what patterns, colors and motifs you wish to use!
You pick what matters in your decoration. Should there be a connection between the motif's themes, matching colors, plates that you have inherited or maybe neither of the mentioned? It's all up to you.
And the very best part is that you have the opportunity to buy plates at really affordable prices, so your wall decoration does not have to be expensive at all. You can make it look unique without spending a fortune!
In doubt about how you make the best pattern for you wall decoration? Read more here!
3. Easy to squeeze into thigh spaces
Do you not have a lot of space? Fear not, because then plates might just be for you!
If you have a small spot on the wall or you enjoy the life of tiny living, a plate can be a good solution for some extra decoration. With a plate you can fill out the empty space almost everywhere. That's because there is always a plate in the right size!
There are even a lot of different colors and motifs, so it's almost always possible to find one, that matches your current decorating style!
4. You're creating something unique
It sounds a bit crazy, but just think about it. If you arrange your plates as you have imagined it and with plates you have selected, what are the changes that someone out there has a wall with plates that looks just like yours?
The patterns of your plates are only limited to your ingenuity. The same goes for your choice of plates. The chances of you making a wall decoration that looks like someone else's are therefor very small which gives you the opportunity to bring something unique into your home.
Ready to create your wall of plates?
Then go ahead! Find your plates and create a pattern, so that you get your very own and unique wall decoration.
How to avoid ending up with a bad look.
Do you have doubts about how to make sure that you get a beautiful wall of plates and do you want to minimize the number of unnecessary holes in your wall? Then we are here to help you! Follow this guide and create a beautiful pattern.
- Find the plates you think fit into your décor. If you do not already have some, you can find a limiteless number of plates in different colours and motifs here!
- Place the plates on the floor in the pattern you think you want to hang them in and try it until it looks right.
- If it's hard to imagine what it will look like on the wall, you can cut a piece of paper the same size and shape as each of your plates. The easiest way to do so is by laying your plate on a piece of paper and then draw with a pencil around the edge of the plate. This will give you the shape that you then can cut out.
When you have all the pieces cut, try putting them on the wall in different patterns with tape or the like. When you think it looks right, you are almost ready to put nails or screws in the wall. But just check point # 4 before you start hanging the templates !!! - Remember that hangings on different plates are not in the same place, so it is a good idea to check where the nail should be on each plate before hammering.
Here you can advantageously mark on your paper templates where the nail on the different plates should sit. Then you can simply nail or drill holes on your templates while hanging on the wall.
Do you need some inspiration? Then keep scrolling down this page!
You can buy Desiree Hans Christian Andersen Christmas plates with motifs from his fairy tales. Additionally you can find many old Bing & Grondahl Christmas plates, Royal Copenhagen Christmas plates and many different mother's day plates at very low cost. And for a large wall decoration you do not need more the 2nd quality. Some plates that will also do well in a wall decoration are the different memorial plates and Seltmann Swedish landscape plates.
When you have finally collected the plates that you want to use in your wall decoration, it can be difficult to come up with a pattern for them. That is why we have collected some examples on how a wall decoration with plates can look like.
Examples of how it might look
Here is a mix of different Christmas plates, anniversary plates, etc. - Different sizes of plates have been used, where the theme is that each plate is selected from the fact that it means something special. The plates are set up in an asymmetrical manner at first sight, but on closer inspection, there is symmetry in the setu
Use plates as wall decoration in the kitchen
Plates are also very good for wall decoration in the kitchen as they can easily be taken down and put in the dishwasher.
Allergy-friendly wall decoration in the bedroom
If you need to decorate your bedroom, it might be a good idea to remember that there is often a lot of dust in a bedroom and that what you hang on the wall should be easy to clean. - This applies, for example to blue plates that can withstand the dishwasher.
You can also create a wall decoration that receives the light from a window close, thereby bringing the wall to life with different size plates that reflect the light from the window.
Plates hung up "randomly"
Plates can be hung in a myriad of different patterns. Below you can see some interesting options for how to hang them in new and alternative ways.
Here many plates in bright colours have been hung on a dark wall and thus brings colour to the room.
A row of plates in many colours and patterns have been set at the end of the rustic kitchen table.
Here the plates give some colour and pattern to the modern home.
Plates can also match in colour with the furniture. Here the plates have been chosen in colours that fit together with this beautiful teak tree drawer.
You can spice up the office a bit with plates in many colours and fun motifs that crawl along the wall in a funny way.
Make it all fit together with both matching colours and style. Here we see a mixture of different sizes and types of plates. What makes them alike is that they are all blue painted. They are set together with blue painted balls and a plate that stands on the bookcase. It is a fine composition that makes the old plates look elegant and modern.
Here we have another exciting way to use Bjorn Wiinblad's butterboards; a dial for a large clock!
Here you will see a gray wall where the blue plates fit very well. - The plates shown are the beautiful old Easter plates from Bing & Grondahl. - As you can see here, there is ample opportunity to play with the colors between the plates.
On the picture above we have a nice setup of plates in contrast to the black wall. It makes for a perfect backdrop for the many plates.
Here we have arrived in the bathroom, where the plates can make a really good wall decoration and they contrast well with the white walls.
Use plates in the conservatory and other damp rooms!
If you choose to decorate with paintings on the walls in damp rooms, you risk that your works of art will be damaged and destroyed. Therefore, it is worth considering decorating your walls with plates as they can withstand moisture. If you choose plates for the wall, you do not have to worry about them being damaged by moisture and dirt.
How to hang your plates on the wall?
Of course, when you need to hang plates, you also need something to hang them with. Fortunately, there are a number of options that depend somewhat on the plate. But there are a variety of plate hangers that you can use to hang plates.
Royal Copenhagen and Bing & Grondahl from the beginning produced their plates with two small holes on the back, which you can hang the plate from. It can be steel wire that you yourself form into a holder or you can choose to buy our small plate hooks that fits Royal Copenhagen and Bing & Grondahl's plates.
However, not all plates have been produced with holes on the back. Many plates need a hanger that can hold the plate both in terms of diameter and weight and for this there are a number of options:
The above plate hanger is for plates without holes for hooks. You paste the yellow surface on the back of the plate and then you can hang the plate on the wall. There are several sizes depending on the diameter and weight of the plate.
The above hanger is both strong and durable. It works by putting the hooks on the legs of the hanger around the edge of the plate. Although this hanger is clearly the strongest, you do see the hooks come around the edge of the plate.
It is then a matter of taste whether you can live with seeing the hooks. On the other hand, this hanger is very strong and the larger ones can hold large and heavy plates and dishes on the wall.
So it is up to you to choose which plates will fit your interior, you can find our huge selection here:
Examples of Christmas and annual plates:
Aside from the shown Christmas and annual plates there are many others - See the selection of Christmas plates and Annual plates here!
Plates with flowers, animals, landscapes and historical plates:
Below you will find various other types of plates, so if you are looking for some special motifs, colors, themes etc., then you should be able to find some that match your wishes.
Aside from the plates shown there are thousand of other beautiful plates
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