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Below please find another set of photos, that hopefully will give you some tips and ideas for your own personal style in your home. - Most of the items shown, can be found in our assortment. We hope you will find some inspiration and ideas, and like what you see.
The red glass apple matches the flowers in the flower pot and together contrasts the flower pot, lamp and candlesticks.
Glass is a fantastic decorative material! Here you find Holmegaard Base Table Lamp with a Le Klint lampshade (model No. 17), and a set of mouth-blown glass birds, and a small flower vase and a large floor vase in beautiful colours.
Here the vase matches up to the green lacquer lampshade the sets itself well with the brass that has been put in front of it.
The old classics comes in honour and at dignity again. Here is a setup with the classic "Le Klint Telescopic table lamp No. 352" Big old porcelain vases with landscape-motifs from Bing & Grondahl and Royal Copenhagen vases. Ceramics with Bjorn Wiinblad design in black and white nuances from The Ceramic Manufacture Nymolle. On the right you find a Royal Copenhagen porcelain figurine of two girls, "Amager Girls"
Again we see The Le Klint table lamp put together with black and white (red/white) Wiinblad plates etc. and a black Holmegaard vase.
The Johannes Hedegaard stoneware statuettes are set with matching blue tealight candleholders and glass vase together with a crystal glass lamp.
Stylish classic design with blue colors. Old vases from Royal Copenhagen with fresh flowers. Large antique Chinese vases, a simple stylish Lene Bjerre silver lamp.
Three Desiree mother's day plates together with Bing & Grondahl annual figurines put in front of Asmussen candlesticks and a striking yellow glass vase.
Large Chinese lamp and Chinese vase in blue colours along with Royal Copenhagen's very popular Fluted and Blue Fluted Mega. - A nice silver tray and behind that a candlestick with Top glass that makes it possible to use your old candlesticks for tea lights.
In this setup two dark red glass tealight candleholders are set in a black ensemble.
Use all the colours of the rainbow. Here you see a plate in the series of Rosenthal artist plates, the rainbow from 1973 designed by Otto Piene, placed together with two large silver candlesticks, two colourful vases from Holmegaard, and a large annual mug from Royal Copenhagen. - On the wall two Easter plates from Bing & Grondahl.
The three magi set with church plates and a decanter with two glasses.
The meditative corner... create a place where you can relax. Where you can recharge. The large golden Buddha help create a relaxing atmosphere.
On the wall you find old Bing & Grondahl memorial plates, made on the occasion of crowning of Queen Margrethe and the death of King Frederick in 1972. - (The symbolism of the cutting tips, fits well on the old proverb. - When something ends, something new starts.)
An assortment of church plates set together with a Lucia figurine and a vase with Viborg cathedral.
Again, here is turquoise the favorite colour. Fresh flowers in an elegant Holmegaard glass vase, and cosy light, creates great atmosphere
Plate with Viborg Cathedral set together with figurines and a candelabra.
Here we have a Kay Bojesen song bird set on a Rosendahl tray together with a tealight stone.
Find your favourite colour! Create your interior with the colours you love. - Here in the theme of turquoise. Where turquoise and yellow in the beautiful mouth blown glass vase, fit in with the turquoise glass tea light candleholders from Holmegaard, and with the colourful annual mugs from Royal Copenhagen. - Here, placed together with a lamp from Lene Bjerre. - To the right is a small square silver chest.
A panda familiy is set between tealight stones and a fruit bowl with a colorful glass vase and a lantern in the background.
Composition of brass candlesticks, round vase with blue, purple, green and red colours, all with gold ornaments. - A table lamp in golden colours.
Royal Copenhagen Christmas Table. You see the new Royal Copenhagen Flora Tableware, and the Royal Copenhagen Christmas plates, as well as Bing & Grondahl Christmas plates. Also you see the Royal Copenhagen Xmas cups, as well the small annual Christmas plaquette from RC.
Bing and Grondahl Mothers Day Plates on the wall .... it is still very popular! Use the beautiful old plates in a new and fascinating way, use your home magazines, and your old heirlooms, create a composition of beautiful things. Here you see a Classical golden lamp with cylindrical round lampshade, an old memorial mug from Royal Copenhagen is used as a pen holder, a candle holder of polished stone (tea light), and a huge bowl from Royal Copenhagen.
Here is a Chinese lacquer chair, Wiinblad plates, vases. - Classic cream coloured table lamp with gold, and matching jar with lid. Black Chinese console with gold ornaments. Use some magazines to make your style even more trendy.
A simple and nice setup with marbled vases filled with roses and tulips. A Lene Bjerre table lamp a comfortable chair and matching coffee table.
A mix of old plates, both Bing & Grondahl memorial plates, and to the right a Bing and Grondahl Christmas plate. - The plates do not have to be of the same size. Make a collage by hanging up the plates as shown. - It gives a new and modern look.
Here is the beautiful Desiree Christmas plates together with a classical decor. - The comfortable lounge chair, the joyfull lamp and next to that you find the large standing golden Buddha.
Here you see Bjorn Wiinblad glass plates, set up staggered, so it harmonize with the rest of the interior.
Use the old Bing & Grondahl Christmas plates in a new way. - The blue colors make your style trendy, and bring your home in harmony.
Here is almost the same setup with the yellow lamp and yellow vase, but we have found an old beautiful blue Easter Plate from Bing & Grondahl and put it on a plate stand. - Another way to use the old plates .
One can not help thinking of spring when seeing fresh flowers and the beautiful yellow colors. - The first flowers we look at after the long winter in Denmark is the yellow Eranthis, and hence the yellow color in many people's minds is, a harbinger of spring.
Here is basically the same set-up but with Hutchenreuter, Ole Vinther plates on the wall. - Use your imagination. Look in your old drawers.., a little new and something old can give a beautiful classic design.
The Crystal table lamp gives a cozy atmosphere, along with the tray with the blue fluted full lace vase and tealight candleholder. The yellow vase matches the blue colors fantastic.
Hang up plates in new and fascinating ways. From the next photos we show different new and trendy ways to hang up plates. - Here you see five plates from the series of Bing & Grondahl Easter plates, a series which started in 1910 and ended in 1935... But you could in fact have choosen many other kinds of plates, there are incredibly many beautiful decorative wall plates.
A blue Chine table lamp with Chinese Script, and an old Aluminia vase. - Behind that you see a ceramic vase with fresh yellow roses, on the silver tray you find Royal Copenhagen Blue Fluted Full Lace porcelain.
Light up with yellow. Here is a yellow table lamp with matching yellow flower vase.
Add a little colour to the interior, by using the classic lamp with blue fruit, Holmegaard bowls, round mahogany table, and a nice lounge chair with patterned cream-colored fabric. Wiinblad Aladdin Month plates on a small plate stand and a nice big floor vase blue with fruits.
Classic gold table lamp with round lamp shade, an old Royal Copenhagen overglaze jubilee mug, fresh flowers in glass vase, tealightholder of polished stones. Large bowl from Royal Copenhagen. - On the wall Bing & Grondahl marine plates from the series Windjammer.
The blue colors are still very popular. Historically, the Danes have always loved the blue colors. - The great Danish porcelain factories are known worldwide because of their underglaze technique and the blue colors found in the blue-painted coffee and dinner service, for example Royal Copenhagen Blue fluted, Royal Copenhagen Blue Flower, Bing & Grondahl Empire, Bing & Grondahl Christmas Rose, etc. The blue colors are also to be found in the old figurines and vases. - Here you see a a mix of antique Chinese vases, a blue Chinese lamp, together with Christmas plate / cake plate and coffee cup from The Porcelain Factory Desiree (Old Copenhagen Blue by Svend Jensen), as well as some porcelain vases from Bing and Grondahl.
Here is an example of a comfort corner in the living room, consisting of a nice armchair, a Chinese table lamp with gold ears, a hexagonal pagoda lampshade, mixed with beautiful Knud Kühn elephants in stoneware from the Royal Porcelain Manufacturer.
Again here you see one of the beautiful classical oblong table lamps with oval lamp shade. - Here along with an older Girl on rock figurine from Royal Copenhagen, and to emphasize the blue and innocent, an antique Bing & Grondahl plate featuring the girl on the rocks, can be seen . - One of so many beautiful old memorial plaques from Bing & Grondahl.
Wiinblad glass plates on the wall, a Wiinblad dish in green nuances from Rosenthal, a small vase from Rosenthal (designed by Wiinblad), and an off white lamp, and a Chinese flowerpot with gold squares. - Simple and beautiful.
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