Learn how to take good care of your porcelain with a few tips from DPH!
Today, many people are afraid of using their fine china or expensive porcelain. That is a shame and
that is why we have put together this guide to provide you with some useful tips and advice for taking good care of your porcelain, making it possible for you to use it every day - even in the dishwasher and microwave oven.
White and blue painted underglazed sets are approved for dishwashers and microwave ovens
In general the majority of the white and blue painted sets with under-glazing decorations and internal glazing are all approved for dishwashers and microwave ovens.
Porcelain series approved for dishwashers and microwave ovens
- White plain
- Blue fluted
- Blue flower
- Empire
- Blue fluted Mega
- Hans Christian Andersen series
The faience sets (e.g. Blue Edged) are also approved for use in dishwashers. The exceptions being sets with metallic edges (e.g. golden edges/rims) and metallic/golden decorations.
Among others Royal Copenhagen are continuously running laboratory tests to see how the porcelain reacts and if it can be used in dishwashers.
Not recommended for dishwashers and microwave ovens
The sets of porcelain with metallic, golden and silver decorations are recommended to be cleaned by hand, unless the product packaging encourage otherwise.
Porcelain and faience sets are able to handle heating in a microwave oven, as long as the sets af not decorated with any metal, gold or silver, which could be severely damaged in the microwave oven.
Can I clean my Christmas plates in a dishwasher?
Yes, Christmas plates by Royal Copenhagen, Bing & Grondahl and Desiree Denmark (Old Copenhagen Blue/Svend Jensen) are safe to clean in a dishwasher due to their under glazed decorations.
How do I clean porcelain with metallic (and/or over glazed) decorations?
We recommend that you clean sets of porcelain with gold, silver and metallic decorations by hand, unless the product brochure suggests otherwise.
If your porcelain is decorated using the over glazed method (as on e.g. the Flora Danica series) we do not recommend using a dishwasher to clean the items.
Although some of the more recent editions and series such as the Flora and Star fluted are able to endure dishwashers, we recommend you to clean these series by hand to keep their finish optimal for as long as possible.
Can I use porcelain by Royal Copenhagen in a microwave oven?
Yes, a set of porcelain or faience by Royal Copenhagen is safe to use in a microwave oven.
However, we do not recommend using products decorated with metallic, gold and/or silver in a microwave oven. Items with such decorations can be severely damaged by microwaves.

Can I use porcelain by Royal Copenhagen in a conventional oven/stove?
We recommend customers who wish to use Royal Copenhagen sets in a conventional oven or stove, to slowly heat up and slowly cool down the items.
Large and fast changes in temperatures can in the worst scenarios break the porcelain. As an example you could place items from a hot oven on a rack to let it cool down slowly.
We do not recommend convection ovens.

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