Buy online at DPH Trading in 4 easy steps
At DPH Trading you can easily buy online using these 4 easy steps:
1. Click "Add to basket"
Click on the green "Add to basket"- button by the item (and quality) you wish to buy.
2. Click on the Shopping basket
When all items you wish to buy are added to the basket, please click on the "Shopping basket" at the top righthand corner of the website.
3. Check the content
Please check if the content of the shopping basket is correct. You can add or delete items as you choose. You can also change the number of each item you wish to buy.
4. Go to checkout
Click on the green "Go to checkout"-button and follow the 3 steps in the payment flow.
Ask before you buy
If you have questions or comments that you want clarified before you buy, you can use the comment fields in the shopping cart. - This can lead to a longer processing time. You are of course also welcome to contact us by mail or phone.
Out of stock items
If you wish to buy a item that is out of stock, we can reserve it and give you an obligation free written offer once the item is in stock again.
As soon as the item is back in stock we will contact you with an offer that is valid for 14 days from the date of issue. You are always able to regret your interest and purchase of the item - even when it is back in stock.
You should however be aware that we reserve the right to intermediate sales. This means that we do not reserve the item before we have received your payment.
This contains the risk that the offered item can be sold to another customer in the period between you receiving the offer and us receiving your accept of the offer with a payment.
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DPH Trading
Løkkegravene 49
5270 Odense N, Denmark
CVR-no.: DK61086013
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