What does the word mean?
There are many special terms and words used within the world of porcelain, handicrafts and lighting. We have collected some of the words which our customers mostly have asked about and added a short description and/or explanation.
Porcelain / Collectibles
What is under glazing?
That a figurine or plate is made with under glazing means that the object has been glazed before the last burning. Under glazing is the most adopt method to glaze porcelain plates and figurines. Read more about underglaze.
What is over glazing?
If plates, dinnerware or figurines are decorated with over glazing, they have got an extra burning after the object was burned second time. With this technique the colours and decoration are even more clear.
What is ceramics?
Ceramics is a broad concept and is the term of burned clay, which also include faience and stoneware.
What is faience?
Faience is clay burned at 1100-1200 degrees. You can read much more about faience and see examples.
What is stoneware?
Stoneware is burned clay, which is more robust than porcelain and faience.
What is silk print?
Silk print is a special way to decorate porcelain which makes it possible to use many different colours.
What is bisquit?
Bisquit is a sort of porcelain without glazing, burned at 950 degrees.
What is a porcelain painting?
A porcelain painting looks like a normal painting with frame, but it is painted on porcelain so it has extremely clear colours.
What is an ornament?
An ornament is a small figurine or other decoration, which has a string so it can be hung up in the window, on the Christmas tree or the like. Small figurines with strings are also called figurine ornament. You can see examples of ornament and figurine ornament.
What is a butter board?
A butter board was originally intended for the bread while you butter a piece of bread. Today, porcelain butter boards are more used for decoration and some are manufactured with a hole in the top so they can hang on the wall. Others can be displayed in plate racks. See examples of butter boards
How do I see whether a figurine/plate is factory first or factory second?
If the factory has estimated that a figurine or plate should be factory second, it has been marked with a scratch through the factory mark on the back of the plate or under the bottom of the figurine. You can read much more about qualities.
What does RC mean?
RC is the abbreviation of the brand Royal Copenhagen.
What does B&G mean?
B&G is the abbreviation of the brand Bing & Grondahl.
What is a pendant?
A pendant is a hanging lamp. Most of our pendants are made by Le Klint in white plast in different shapes, or in glass made by Holmegaard.
What is a reces ring?
Some lamps are mounted with a socket without socket rings. Then the socket can be separated in the middle where you can fix the lamp. Most of the lampshades with fixed stand inside the lampshade are made to sockets with socket rings which means that the diameter of the lampshade stand is too big for the socket with reces.
What is a fixed stand in a lampshade?
If a lampeshade is mounted with a fixed stand, the stand, and with it the lampshade, is fixed directly on the socket of the lamp. This means that the height of the lampshade only can be adjusted with the few centimetres that the socket rings can be adjusted up and down on the socket.
What is a lampshade rack?
A lampshades rack is placed on the lamp socket and then you place the lampshade on the rack. A lampshade rack can be adjusted in height, which makes it easier to find the correct height of the lampshade. A lampshade rack can be adjusted approximately 9 centimetre. In the top of the rack is a round ring with an inside diameter of app. 9 cm and an outside diameter of app. 11 cm. The lampshade rest on this ring.
Are we missing a word, term or abbreviation?
If you find a special word or expression that you do not understand, we would like to hear from you. Please write down the word for us and where you have read it (perhaps including a screen shot, if possible) and forward it to [email protected]
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