Danish Porcelain House - New, retro, antique and vintage

Bing & Grondahl Vases and Jars

252 products
50+ years of experience Fast and Safe Delivery

On this page you will find an overview of all vases from Bing & Groendahl that we have and have had in stock making it possible for you to run through them to find the vase just for you.

Bing & Grondahl Vases and Jars

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252 products
Vase with flowers, Bing & Grondahl No. 8810-507
Vase with flowers, Bing & Grondahl No. 8810-507
Vase with flowers, Bing & Grondahl N...
USD 250.81
Before: USD 291.58
Item no: B8810-507 Measurement: H: 30 cm
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Leaves Vase, Bing & Grondahl No. 183A
Leaves Vase, Bing & Grondahl No. 183A
Leaves Vase, Bing & Grondahl No. 183A
USD 6.14
Before: USD 9.40
Item no: 4840-183A Measurement: H: 6 cm x Ø: 7 cm
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Vase with Landscape with mill, Bing & Grondahl no. 8522-210
Vase with Landscape with mill, Bing & Grondahl no. 8522-210
Vase with Landscape with mil...
USD 30.07
Before: USD 33.68
Item no: B8522-210 Measurement: H: 17 cm
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Vase with The Old Town in Aarhus, Bing & Grondahl No. 1302-6238
Vase with The Old Town in Aarhus, Bing & Grondahl No. 1302-6238
Vase with The Old Town in Aarhus, Bi...
USD 62.16
Item no: B1302-6238 Measurement: H: 18 cm
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Vase with Lily-of-the-Valley, Bing & Grondahl no. 157-5143 or 57-143 -13%
Vase with Lily-of-the-Valley, Bing & Gro...
USD 24.50
Before: USD 28.33
Item no: B157-5143 Measurement: H: 12 cm
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Vase with brown decoration Laburnum, Bing & Grondahl No. 158-5008
Vase with brown decoration Laburnum, Bing & Grondahl No. 158-5008
Vase with brown decoration Laburn...
USD 24.50
Before: USD 34.55
Item no: B158-5008 Measurement: H: 17 cm
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Vase with brown decoration Laburnum, Bing & Grondahl No. 158-5143
Vase with brown decoration Laburnum, Bing & Grondahl No. 158-5143
Vase with brown decoration Laburn...
USD 25.01
Item no: B158-5143 Measurement: H: 12 cm
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Vase with Flower Laburnum, Bing & Grondahl no. 162-5256 -15%
Vase with Flower Laburnum, Bing & ...
USD 17.20
Before: USD 20.24
Item no: B162-5256 Measurement: H: 12 cm
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White vase with blue decoration, Bing & Grondahl No. 168-5012 -24%
White vase with blue decoration, Bing & ...
USD 21.25
Before: USD 27.76
Item no: B168-5251 Measurement: H: 17 cm
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Vase with Scenery, Bing & Grondahl No. 505-370
Vase with Scenery, Bing & Grondahl No. 505-370
Vase with Scenery, Bing & Grondahl N...
USD 112.97
Before: USD 125.77
Item no: B505-370 Measurement: H: 25 cm
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Vase with country cottage and road, Bing & Grondahl No. 527-95 -17%
Vase with country cottage and road, ...
USD 150.70
Before: USD 181.71
Item no: B527-95 Measurement: H: 28 cm
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Vase with Landscape, Bing & Grondahl No. 602-5249
Vase with Landscape, Bing & Grondahl No. 602-5249
Vase with Landscape, Bing &...
USD 28.26
Before: USD 35.13
Item no: B620-5251 Measurement: H: 18 cm
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Vase with County of Funen No. 8251
Vase with County of Funen No. 8251
Vase with County of Funen No. 8251
USD 25.01
Before: USD 30.21
Item no: B8251 Measurement: H: 19 cm x Ø: 10 cm
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Vase with scenery of road trees, Bing & Grondahl Nr. 8789-504
Vase with scenery of road trees, Bing & Grondahl Nr. 8789-504
Vase with scenery of road trees, Bing & ...
USD 100.47
Before: USD 111.60
Item no: B8789-504 Measurement: H: 25 cm
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Vase with Mill Scenery, Royal Copenhagen No. 8695-243 or 740
Vase with Mill Scenery, Royal Copenhagen No. 8695-243 or 740
Vase with Mill Scenery, Royal Co...
USD 87.39
Before: USD 110.01
Item no: 1546740 Measurement: H: 26 cm
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Relief vase with Fishing Boat, Bing & Grondahl No. 1302-6211 -10%
Relief vase with Fishing Boat, Bing ...
USD 25.01
Before: USD 27.61
Item no: B1302-6211 Measurement: H: 17 cm
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Vase with brown decoration Laburnum, Bing & Grondahl No. 158-5239
Vase with brown decoration Laburnum, Bing & Grondahl No. 158-5239
Vase with brown decoration Laburn...
USD 28.26
Before: USD 40.91
Item no: B158-5239 Measurement: H: 19 cm
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Vase with brown decoration Laburnum, Bing & Grondahl No. 158-5254
Vase with brown decoration Laburnum, Bing & Grondahl No. 158-5254
Vase with brown decoration Laburn...
USD 28.26
Before: USD 37.15
Item no: B158-5254 Measurement: H: 14 cm
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Vase with Apple Twig, Bing & Grondahl No. 175-5009 -10%
Vase with Apple Twig, Bing & Gron...
USD 28.26
Before: USD 31.37
Item no: B175-5009 Measurement: H: 17 cm x Ø: 6 cm
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Vase with landscape, Bing & Grondahl no. 505-5209
Vase with landscape, Bing & Grondahl no. 505-5209
Vase with landscape, Bing & ...
USD 43.87
Before: USD 54.64
Item no: B505-5209 Measurement: H: 21 cm
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Vase with Flower, Bing & Grondahl no. 7967-249
Vase with Flower, Bing & Grondahl no. 7967-249
Vase with Flower, Bing & Grondahl n...
USD 62.16
Item no: B7967-249 Measurement: H: 21 cm
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Vase with Scenery, Bing & Grondahl no. 8671-209
Vase with Scenery, Bing & Grondahl no. 8671-209
Vase with Scenery, Bing & Grondahl n...
USD 49.66
Before: USD 68.96
Item no: B8671-209 Measurement: H: 21 cm
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Vase with Landscape with trees, Bing & Grondahl No. 8676-247 or 576-5247
Vase with Landscape with trees, Bing & Grondahl No. 8676-247 or 576-5247
Vase with Landscape with tre...
USD 43.87
Before: USD 57.82
Item no: B8676-247 Measurement: H: 22 cm
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Vase with ship, Bing & Grondahl No. 8702-354
Vase with ship, Bing & Grondahl No. 8702-354
Vase with ship, Bing & Grondahl No. 87...
USD 125.05
Before: USD 150.34
Item no: B8702-354 Measurement: H: 24 cm
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Vase with blue Flower, Bing & Grondahl No. 8815-8
Vase with blue Flower, Bing & Grondahl No. 8815-8
Vase with blue Flower, Bing & Gro...
USD 48.43
Item no: B8815-8 Measurement: H: 17 cm x Ø: 8 cm
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H.C. Andersen Jubilee The Caddy 1805-1875, Bing & Grondahl
H.C. Andersen Jubilee The Caddy 1805-1875, Bing & Grondahl
H.C. Andersen Jubilee The Caddy...
USD 31.30
Before: USD 47.13
Item no: DG1848 Year: 1975 Measurement: H: 19 cm x W: 10 cm x D: 6 cm
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Vase with Church, Bing & Grondahl no. 1302-6210
Vase with Church, Bing & Grondahl n...
USD 43.80
Item no: B1302-6210 Measurement: H: 17 cm
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Vase with Kronborg Castle and Sailingship, Bing & Grondahl No. 1302-6247 -10%
Vase with Kronborg Castle and Sailing...
USD 34.55
Before: USD 38.60
Item no: B1302-6247 Measurement: H: 21 cm
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Vase with old Dutch windmill, Bing & Grondahl No. 1302-6251 -13%
Vase with old Dutch windmill, Bing & Gr...
USD 43.87
Before: USD 50.31
Item no: B1302-6251 Measurement: H: 19 cm
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Vase with Lily-of-the-Valley, Bing & Grondahl No. 157-5008
Vase with Lily-of-the-Valley, Bing & Grondahl No. 157-5008
Vase with Lily-of-the-Valley, Bing & Gro...
USD 43.80
Item no: B157-5008 Measurement: H: 17 cm
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Vase with Lily-of-the-Valley, Bing & Grondahl no. 157-5255 or 157-255
Vase with Lily-of-the-Valley, Bing & Grondahl no. 157-5255 or 157-255
Vase with Lily-of-the-Valley, Bing & Gro...
USD 30.07
Item no: B157-5255 Measurement: H: 12 cm
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Vase with brown decoration Laburnum, Bing & Grondahl No. 158-5012 or 158-12
Vase with brown decoration Laburnum, Bing & Grondahl No. 158-5012 or 158-12
Vase with brown decoration Laburn...
USD 24.50
Item no: B158-5012 Measurement: H: 10 cm
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Vase with brown decoration Laburnum, Bing & Grondahl No. 158-5210 -29%
Vase with brown decoration Laburn...
USD 31.30
Before: USD 43.80
Item no: B158-5210 Measurement: H: 18 cm
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Vase with brown decoration Laburnum, Bing & Grondahl No. 158-5251
Vase with brown decoration Laburnum, Bing & Grondahl No. 158-5251
Vase with brown decoration Laburn...
USD 31.30
Before: USD 40.91
Item no: B158-5251 Measurement: H: 18 cm
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Vase with brown decoration Laburnum, Bing & Grondahl No. 159-5210
Vase with brown decoration Laburnum, Bing & Grondahl No. 159-5210
Vase with brown decoration Laburn...
USD 31.30
Before: USD 43.80
Item no: B159-5210 Measurement: H: 18 cm
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Vase with Laburnum, Bing & grondahl No. 162-5239 -17%
Vase with Laburnum, Bing & grondahl N...
USD 25.01
Before: USD 30.21
Item no: B162-5239 Measurement: H: 18 cm x W: 12 cm x D: 8 cm
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Vase with blue decoration Laburnum, Bing & Grondahl No. 168-5012
Vase with blue decoration Laburnum, Bing & Grondahl No. 168-5012
Vase with blue decoration Laburn...
USD 12.43
Before: USD 13.88
Item no: B168-5012 Measurement: H: 10 cm
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White vase with blue decoration, Bing & Grondahl No. 168-5239 -10%
White vase with blue decoration, Bing & ...
USD 25.01
Before: USD 27.76
Item no: B168-5239 Measurement: H: 18 cm
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Vase with Wisteria 12cm, Bing & grondahl no. 172-5143
Vase with Wisteria 12cm, Bing & grondahl no. 172-5143
Vase with Wisteria 12cm, Bing & gron...
USD 25.01
Before: USD 30.21
Item no: B172-5143 Measurement: H: 12 cm
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Vase with Wisteria, Bing & Grondahl No. 172-5210
Vase with Wisteria, Bing & Grondahl N...
USD 26.02
Item no: B172-5210 Measurement: H: 17 cm
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Vase with Apple Twig, Bing & Grondahl No. 175-5008
Vase with Apple Twig, Bing & Grondahl No. 175-5008
Vase with Apple Twig, Bing & Gron...
USD 26.02
Before: USD 28.77
Item no: B175-5008 Measurement: H: 17 cm x Ø: 6 cm
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Vase with Apple Twig, Bing & Grondahl no. 175-5257
Vase with Apple Twig, Bing & Gron...
USD 43.80
Item no: B175-5257 Measurement: H: 12 cm
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Vase with Scenes from Comedies by The Classic Playwright Terents, Bing & Grondahl No. 1857-5750
Vase with Scenes from Comedies by The Classic Playwright Terents, Bing & Grondahl No. 1857-5750
Vase with Scenes from Comedies by ...
USD 49.66
Before: USD 97.87
Item no: B1857-5750 Measurement: H: 18 cm
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Bing & Grondahl Futura vase no. 1922-5476 with silver decoration, Design: Else Kamp
Bing & Grondahl Futura vase no. 1922-5476 with silver decoration, Design: Else Kamp
Bing & Grondahl Futura vase no. 19...
USD 54.93
Item no: B1922-5476 Measurement: H: 13 cm x W: 10 cm x D: 10 cm
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Bing & Grondahl Futura vase no. 1922-5477 with silver decoration, Design: Else Kamp
Bing & Grondahl Futura vase no. 1922-5477 with silver decoration, Design: Else Kamp
Bing & Grondahl Futura vase no. 19...
USD 89.63
Item no: B1922-5477 Measurement: H: 17 cm x W: 10 cm x D: 10 cm
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Vase with rose, Bing & Grondahl no. 289-5243 or 740 -23%
Vase with rose, Bing & Grondahl no. 28...
USD 125.05
Before: USD 162.78
Item no: B289-5243
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Vase with Willow Leaf, Bing & Grondahl No. 342-5249
Vase with Willow Leaf, Bing & Grondahl No. 342-5249
Vase with Willow Leaf, Bing & Grond...
USD 56.45
Before: USD 62.88
Item no: B342-5249 Measurement: H: 21 cm
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Denmark Dinner set, Vase No. 3542-5402, Bing & Grondahl (Dybbol Mill and Roskilde Cathetral)
Denmark Dinner set, Vase No. 3542-5402, Bing & Grondahl (Dybbol Mill and Roskilde Cathetral)
Denmark Dinner set, Vase No. 3542-54...
USD 175.35
Item no: B3542-5402 Measurement: H: 25 cm x W: 12 cm x D: 15 cm
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Vase with flowers, Bing & Grondahl jugend style No. 4195-124
Vase with flowers, Bing & Grondahl jugend style No. 4195-124
Vase with flowers, Bing & Grondahl ju...
USD 91.94
Before: USD 137.91
Item no: B4195-124 Measurement: H: 17 cm
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Vase with jasmin, Bing & Grondahl no. 420-5368
Vase with jasmin, Bing & Grondahl no. 420-5368
Vase with jasmin, Bing & Grondahl n...
USD 100.04
Before: USD 120.56
Item no: B420-5368 Measurement: H: 26 cm x Ø: 14 cm
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Vase with flower, Bing & Grondahl no. 432-5420
Vase with flower, Bing & Grondahl no. 432-5420
Vase with flower, Bing & Grondahl n...
USD 87.89
Item no: B432-5420 Measurement: H: 19 cm x Ø: 8 cm
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Vase with Laburnum, Bing & Grondahl no. 52-9
Vase with Laburnum, Bing & Grondahl n...
USD 22.48
Item no: B52-9 Measurement: H: 16 cm
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Vase with landscape, Bing & Grondahl No. 526-5210
Vase with landscape, Bing & Grondahl No. 526-5210
Vase with landscape, Bing & ...
USD 21.97
Before: USD 24.43
Item no: B526-5210 Measurement: H: 17 cm
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Bing & Grondahl vase with rose No. 5411 -26%
Bing & Grondahl vase with rose No. ...
USD 17.20
Before: USD 23.13
Item no: B5411 Measurement: H: 9 cm x Ø: 11 cm
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Bing & Grondahl vase with Bindweed No. 5411-1831
Bing & Grondahl vase with Bindweed No. 5411-1831
Bing & Grondahl vase with Bindwee...
USD 17.20
Before: USD 23.13
Item no: B5411-1831 Measurement: H: 9 cm x Ø: 11 cm
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Bing & Grondahl Dish with Bindweed No. 5429-1831
Bing & Grondahl Dish with Bindweed No. 5429-1831
Bing & Grondahl Dish with Bindwee...
USD 17.20
Before: USD 28.91
Item no: B5429-1831 Measurement: H: 8 cm x Ø: 12 cm
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Vase with Birch Trees, Bing & Grøndahl no. 545-5440
Vase with Birch Trees, Bing & Grøndahl no. 545-5440
Vase with Birch Trees, Bing & Grøn...
USD 160.39
Item no: B545-5440 Measurement: H: 30 cm
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Vase with white Harbour, Bing & Grondahl no. 550-5243
Vase with white Harbour, Bing & Grondahl no. 550-5243
Vase with white Harbour, Bing & Gr...
USD 106.76
Before: USD 125.05
Item no: B550-5243 Measurement: H: 25 cm x Ø: 12 cm
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Vase with Landscape, Royal Copenhagen No. 5506 - Signed L. Negithorn
Vase with Landscape, Royal Copenhagen No. 5506 - Signed L. Negithorn
Vase with Landscape, Royal ...
USD 106.69
Item no: B5506-LN Measurement: H: 23 cm
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Jar with brass lid TABAC 1961-1986 Bing and Brondahl
Jar with brass lid TABAC 1961-1986 Bing and Brondahl
Jar with brass lid TABAC 1961-1986...
USD 99.89
Item no: B6055-7148 Year: 1986 Measurement: H: 25 cm x Ø: 15 cm
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Bing & Grondahl vases and jars

Vases have through the years been a large item for Bing & Grondahl. The selection is large, but can generally be divided into three categories; flowers, landscapes and maritime. There are exceptions of course, but these three are the dominant types. That there are many vases with maritime motifs is quite natural given the maritime traditions of Denmark. A good example of the maritime vases of Bing & Grondahl is the Windjammer vase with the trainingship Danmark that belongs to the plate series with windjammers.

Of the popular and well known series we also find the many vases with Lily of the Valley. This motif was issued on many different types of vases. A similar series was produced with Wisteria. Beyond that there are numerous other vases with floral motifs of all kinds with known flowers from the nature of Denmark.

The danish landscapes have also been heavily used as motif on the vases. Here we find the gentle danish landscapes often represented in idyllic motifs with small country cottages and meandering roads near trees and small ponds. This gives the vases a very cozy feel. A motif with a bit extra is when a dolmen has been placed in the landscape of the vase hinting back to the far past of the country. These vases goes well with the plates with landscape motifs on the walls.

Bing & Grondahl also produced Christmas vases like they did Christmas plates for some time. These vases were also produced annually in the well known blue glazing.

Mostly Bing & Grondahls vases have been in porcelain, while Royal Copenhagen has been more varied in their choice of materials.