Danish Porcelain House - New, retro, antique and vintage

Bertel Thorvaldsen

21 products
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Creations by Bertel Thorvaldsen

Bertel Thorvaldsen (1770-1844) was a Danish-Icelandic sculptor. Thorvaldsen is one of the central figures of the golden age of Danish art and one of the main artists in neoclassicism.

The Thorvaldsen Museum was the first museum in the world dedicated to the works of a single person.

The sculptor Bertel Thorvaldsen

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21 products
Thorvaldsen biscuit plate, Summer, Royal Copenhagen
Thorvaldsen biscuit plate, Summer, Ro...
USD 47.31
Item no: 1004872 Year: 1850 Measurement: Ø: 14 cm
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Thorvaldsen biscuit plate, Winter, Royal Copenhagen
Thorvaldsen biscuit plate, Winter, Roya...
USD 47.31
Item no: 1004880 Year: 1850 Measurement: Ø: 14 cm
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Thorvaldsen Biscuit plate, Spring, Royal Copenhagen
Thorvaldsen Biscuit plate, Spring, Roya...
USD 43.53
Item no: 1004868 Year: 1850 Measurement: Ø: 14 cm
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Thorvaldsen Biscuit plate, Autumn, Royal Copenhagen
Thorvaldsen Biscuit plate, Autumn, Roy...
USD 47.31
Item no: 1004876 Year: 1850 Measurement: Ø: 14 cm
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Dancing young girl, Ballerina, Bing & Grondahl Figurine no. 2997
Dancing young girl, Ballerina, Bing & Grondahl Figurine no. 2997
Dancing young girl, Ballerina, Bing & G...
USD 100.34
Before: USD 119.86
Item no: B2997 Measurement: H: 16 cm
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Bing & Grøndahl bowl, Thorvaldsen relief in the center, Summer no. 254 -29%
Bing & Grøndahl bowl, Thorvaldsen ...
USD 24.60
Before: USD 34.68
Item no: BD78 Year: 1968 Measurement: Ø: 12 cm
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Thorvaldsen classical biscuit plate, Winter, Bing & Grondahl -39%
Thorvaldsen classical biscuit pla...
USD 37.22
Before: USD 60.51
Item no: BNR1020-2 Year: 1850 Measurement: Ø: 15 cm
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Thorvaldsen biscuit plate Night, 15 cm, Royal Copenhagen -18%
Thorvaldsen biscuit plate Night, 15 cm,...
USD 49.85
Before: USD 60.51
Item no: RNR1004-1 Measurement: Ø: 15 cm
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Thorvaldsen biscuit plate Night, 28 cm, Bing & Grondahl
Thorvaldsen biscuit plate Night, 28 cm,...
Item no: BNR1004-1 Measurement: Ø: 28 cm
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Thorvaldsen biscuit plate Day, 15 cm, Royal Copenhagen
Thorvaldsen biscuit plate Day, 15 cm, ...
Item no: RNR1004-2 Measurement: Ø: 15 cm
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Hermes, Bing & Grondahl Figurine no. 2995, Mercury Argeiphontes / Argus-Slayer
Hermes, Bing & Grondahl Figurine no. 2995, Mercury Argeiphontes / Argus-Slayer
Hermes, Bing & Grondahl Figurine ...
Item no: B2995 Measurement: H: 16 cm
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Aphrodite, Bing & Grondahl Figurine no. 2996, Venus with the Apple
Aphrodite, Bing & Grondahl Figurine no. 2996, Venus with the Apple
Aphrodite, Bing & Grondahl Figurine ...
Item no: B2996 Measurement: H: 16 cm
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Royal CopenhagenThorvaldsen Biscuitplate Summer
Royal CopenhagenThorvaldsen Biscuitplate Summer
Royal CopenhagenThorv...
Item no: RNR516-6 Year: 1968 Measurement: Ø: 14 cm
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Thorvaldsen classical biscuit plate, Summer, Bing & Grondahl
Thorvaldsen classical biscuit pla...
Item no: BNR1020-1 Year: 1850 Measurement: Ø: 15 cm
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Bing & Grøndahl bowl, Thorvaldsen relief in the center, Autumn no. 255
Bing & Grøndahl bowl, Thorvaldsen ...
Item no: BD79 Year: 1968 Measurement: Ø: 12 cm
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Thorvaldsen biscuit plate Day, 28 cm, Bing & Grondahl
Thorvaldsen biscuit plate Day, 28 cm, ...
Item no: BNR1004-2 Measurement: Ø: 28 cm
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Thorvaldsen classical biscuit plate Fall, Bing & Grondahl
Thorvaldsen classical biscuit pla...
Item no: BNR1020-3 Measurement: Ø: 15 cm
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Thorvaldsen classical biscuit plate Spring, Bing & Grondahl
Thorvaldsen classical biscuit pla...
Item no: BNR1020-4 Measurement: Ø: 15 cm
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Royal Copenhagen Thorvaldsen Bisquit plate Winter
Royal Copenhagen Thorvaldsen Bisquit plate Winter
Royal Copenhagen Thorvaldsen Bisqui...
Item no: RNR516-3 Year: 1968 Measurement: Ø: 15 cm
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Royal CopenhagenThorvaldsen Biscuitplate Autumn
Royal CopenhagenThorvaldsen Biscuitplate Autumn
Royal CopenhagenThorv...
Item no: RNR516-4 Year: 1968 Measurement: Ø: 15 cm
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Royal Copenhagen Thorvaldsen Biscuit plate Spring
Royal Copenhagen Thorvaldsen Biscuit plate Spring
Royal Copenhagen Thorvaldsen Biscui...
Item no: RNR516-5 Year: 1968 Measurement: Ø: 15 cm
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Despite his status in Denmark Bertel Thorvaldsen lived and worked for most of his life in Rome, where he was a central neoclassical artist. He originally travelled to Rome on a travel award from the Danish Art Academy in 1797 and did not return permanently to Copenhagen before 1838.

Jason with the golden fleece by Bertel Thorvaldsen 1803

Thorvaldsen's first major well-known work, which also became his ticket to stay in Rome, was the statue of Jason with the Golden Fleece.

Jason was ordered in 1803 and financed Thorvaldsen's further stay in Rome.

The statue is a great example of the style that would become Thorvaldsen's throughout his life, namely the harmonic neoclassicism in clear white marble with idealised bodies and heroic expressions.

Thorvaldsen showed early talent for the art of the sculptor and was admitted to the Art Academy as early as 1781 at only 11 years of age.

He received many silver and gold medals for his work and in 1796 he got the travel award, which would bring him to Rome, where he would carve his most known works.

Thorvaldsen arrived in Rome 8th March 1797 and in keeping with the time and inspired by Goethe Thorvaldsen would hence forth called this his second and most important birthday.

Thorvaldsen made many reliefs and some of these has been produced as small plates in plaster by both Royal Copenhagen and Bing & Grondahl.